University Cancels Common As Commencement Speaker
As H. Rap Brown stated; oppressive conditions, ill treatment, and brutality make Revolutionaries, not other Revolutionaries.
So Common could never be swayed back to his “Senses” by the mocking from the Black community or even rejection of him and his #NewNegro views by the Black community; but rejection, public humiliation at the
hands of those he’s extended a Hand of Love to, and failure to
appreciate his loyalty and servitude by Whites really pisses off most
New Negros, and sometimes, on rare occasion it even Radicalizes them.
I don’t think this will happen with Common though, but there’s a
chance, but he still has his money and his Integration into the White
cultural mainstream to keep this one slap on his “extended” hand from
Radicalizing him.
If Common paid me to advise him, to be his PR guy, this is how I would play it:
I would have Common call a press conference and inform New Jersey and
the rest of America that he would make a full apology for the “Song for
Assata,” (
if Whites denounce all those who have killed in their name, for the
interest and advancement of White people and culture. From Christopher Columbus to Andrew Jackson to General swartzkof;
and all the rest. If Whites agree to stop singing songs, stop erecting
statues, to take White killers off of their currency, remove their names
for building and structures, and totally denounce all of the Whites who
have been confirmed as killers or accused of being killers, then he
(Common) will no longer support any actual or accused Black killers.
Then I’d have him bring up COINTELPRO, Bad-jacketing, and all the other tactics the Government employed against Assata Shakur and other Black freedom fighters.
I would advise Common to expose the deep hypocrisy of this System, and
further vindicate the Panthers, the Black Liberation Army, and Siser
Common, if he regained his “Senses” could really use
this to redeem himself in the eyes of his loyal Black fans, and
demonstrate that there is hope for the rest of these New Negros and #NewBlacks out here.
If you know Common, tell em to call at me, I got some other gems and angles for him to take. LoL!
I’d doubt he be down though, just imagine all of the Hollywood pool
parties he’d be uninvited to, properly representing and Struggling with
your Race ain’t worth losing out on the opportunity to rub shoulders
with other Rich folks who secretly hate you as they smile in your face
and sip expensive drinks with you.