How can the Pan African project be reconciled with the emergence of the new African and African American elite? In a capitalist system where money is the ultimate power, isn’t class at least as important, if not more important, than race for understanding the world? Isn’t this what the South African experience teaches us? After all, if you look at things like health statistics for the African elite, they are comparable to the elite in any Western country. Love to hear your take on this.

Pan-Africanism is not a “project” it is a fundamental way of seeing, and engaging the world, it is an ideology and a way of being There is no African Elite, I’ll post my video on the “Black Elite” for you to view below.  Essentially, what we mistakenly call the African Elite are simply well compensated servants of the true Elites.  True Elites have their own independent economies, armies, industry, and agendas.  The so-called Black...

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