Thoughts on Mao Tse-Tsung?

Mao was a Revolutionist who took a small ban of people and transformed the Asian Continent forever.I respect him and his historical contribution, but like many other Revolutionaries, he was a better Freedom Fighter than a Ruler, and he played the stupid “Leader for Life” game that plagues many nations that throw off European colonization and invasion.  The history of Mao’s Revolution has many lessons for Africans, we need to...

What are your thoughts on the African People’s Socialist Party and the Uhuru Movement? To add even further, thoughts on Mao Tse Tsung? I’ve noticed that there are a lot of pan-African socialists who look up to Mao Tse Tsung and his works, and I just wanted to know if you consider yourself one of them.

I was asked about the APSP and UM, just review the my blog.As for Mao, I wouldn’t say I look up to him, but I respect his contributions to history, Revolutinary Analysis, and Guerrilla Warfare tactics.

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