“Only We Can Save Us.”

I don’t konw how we can watch the US government provoke, support, and commit atrocities against Black people all over the world and act so secure on this soil. We keep getting warnings (T. Davis, A. Jones, T. Martian) but I think we fail to make the larger connections. Soon, our enemies will not be content with one or two at a time, and they are losing what limited tolerance they have for our protest. He’ll, they are losing their...

The African Condition…

I think our condition is actually a minor detour from our ultimate destiny. Our status as the oppressed represents only a small fraction of our time here on earth. Most of our history is one of independence, collective progress and development, and relative peace. We’ve governed empires for more than ten times the amount of time we’ve spent in captivity or under colonization, and we’ve made miraculous stride in unbelievable...
Got the first printing of my poetry text. Info on how to purchase a copy and what we will be doing with the proceeds from the book’s sale coming soon. Looking Forward.

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