You give the respectable negros hell on this blog, but don’t you agree we need an overall code of conduct that is productive? The respectable negros end goals are off, but staying away from the drugs, from the strip clubs, from pants sagging, are not bad ideas. Neely Fuller says we need a code, and he’s not a respectable negro. It’s rare to find a black person following Neely Fuller’s example instead of the latest trend on twitter. How do we expect to defeat whites when we are not disciplined?

Shiiiddd, White folks took over the world while they were high on opium, rum, and many other Victorian era intoxicants.  Not only do they have high end, exclusive strip clubs, they have thousands of women in Sexual slavery, they run international pedophile rings. The White Elites have been engaged in orgies, sadomasochism, and other perverted sex acts while they operate Multinational corporations.  As far as fashion, the people who wear lab...

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