Columbus Was Doing the Work of God…According to the Black Hebrew Israelites.

The Black Hebrews proclaim that the The Black Holocaust Then & Now came about because God loved us so fucking much that our rejection of him provoked him to create conditions where millions of our people died in the most horrible manner possible, and we who lived are dispersed throughout the world to be oppressed and exploited until we die premature deaths. Now, let’s say I accept this psychotic explanation for the sorry state of the...
kemetic-dreams: Hamitic is an historical term for the peoples supposedly descended from Noah’s son Ham, paralleling Semitic and Japhetic. It was formerly used for grouping the non-Semitic Afroasiatic languages (which for this reason were described as “Hamito-Semitic”). However, since, unlike the Semitic branch, these have not been shown to form an exclusive (monophyletic) phylogenetic unit on their own, the term is obsolete in this...

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