Distrust & Hostility.

A coalition of Arab and African Muslims (Moors) invaded and colonized
Europe and held their lands for centuries; to this day Europeans have a
hostility and distrust for Islam.

Christians invaded and occupied the Middle East (Crusades) over the course of centuries; to this day Arabs and Muslims have a hostility and distrust for Christians.

Jews were persecuted and attacked my Christians and Muslims over the
course of centuries; to this day Jews have a hostility and distrust for Christians Muslims.

Jews, Christians, and Muslims invaded, colonized, slaughtered, raped,
and enslaved Africans; to this day Africans have a deep love and blind
trust for Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.  

Xenophobia vs. Xenophilia

Please don’t ask me to respect the Religions of our Oppressors, please
don’t ask me to show any sensitivity to the feelings of our Brothers and
Sisters who embrace these Alien Religions.  Sorry, my ancestors will
not allow me.

‪#‎AlienGods‬ vs. ‪#‎AncestrialGods‬
‪#‎AlienReligions‬ vs.‪#‎AncestrialReligions‬