If Global White Domination was ended (it will have to be ended cuz the only way it will die off is after it kills the rest of the world first), it would be the absolute best thing that could happen to the White masses:1. They wouldn’t have to worry about dying on foreign soil for the riches of White Elites, or worse coming home with PTSD to harm themselves or their loved ones because of the atrocities they committed on behalf of the White...
Let’s review: The Gay Rights Movement’s biggest victories are: 1. Inclusion in Hate Crimes Laws; laws biasedly enforced by Racist cops and legal professionals, in a legal system that places a high price tag on Justice. 2. Removal of (long ignored and unenforceable) sodomy laws. 3. An end to ho#using discrimination based on sexual preference, which never really impacted wealthy & powerful White gays, and it’s still...
Poor, Black, & female LGBTQAI Activist bout to find out exactly what Poor, Black, & female Civil Rights organizers found out after the passage of Civil Rights and Desegregation legislation was passed. So celebrate today and continue to suffer tomorrow. Diallo Kenyatta
The Wealthy Liberal Fascist Elites, and the Wealthy Right-Wing Armageddonist Christian Right, will profit the most from the Gay Marriage decision. The Left will falsely promote that we are in a New Era, and the Right will talk shit about the Last Days; and they are both lying and pimping the masses. Both of these camps will herd the masses into there respective camps to fight each other over bullshit while the Left and Right Wing Elites hold to...
All y'all taking that “last days” and Sodom & Gomorrah shit; please explain to me why you worship a God who would give a nation a pass on Slavery, Genocide, Ecocide, Nuclear Holocaust, Hyper Materialism, & Money Idolatry; but forsake a nation behind Gay Marriage. Your God is a asshole who needs to check his F-ing priorities. Seriously. Diallo Kenyatta
No, allowing Global White Domination to remain has brought constant Economic and Ecological crisis to the world. Dismantling Global White Domination will bring balance, humanity, and stability to economies, because it would relocalize the economies of the world. It would move away from economies structured to generate profit for the few, to setting up economies to meet the needs of the many. There’s not reason for Globalization of the...
The White Elites have been around since the first Neanderthal picked up a club and beat the other Neanderthals so that he could get more than his fair share of raw mammoth meat. The predecessors of the White Elites are the African Elites. Africans were the first people to form complex societies, cultures, civilizations, and social stratifications, so the very concept of governance, rulers, and hierarchy came out of Africa.Now, don’t run...
The only difference between the Confederate Flag and the USA Flag is that the Confederates used muskets and cannons to impose White Domination, and the USA Flag graduated to using nuclear submarines and drones. That’s pretty much it.The Confederates were anti-reformist, not Revolutionaries, the US wanted to reform their systems of mass enslavement and Black oppression, the South wanted to stick to agriculturally based chattel slavery, the...