Do you know any businesses that’s owned by a Pan-Africanist?

Yes I do. There are also Pan-African artist, Pan-African educators, Pan-African service providers, Pan-African consultants, we everywhere and engaged in all kinds of activities and ventures.  I’ll only name mine tho:  Eco-Logic Inc.  We are a Eco-Enterprise that provides wholesale Vegan baked goods and packaged foods, vegan catering, and Vegan diet transition instruction.

What did you get your master’s degree in and why?

My master’s degrees are in Public Policy and History.  I embarked on these courses of study, because I’m interested in Nation Building and State-Craft for the Global African Diaspora.  I’m also interested in the formation of institutions, political/economic systems, and bureaucracies; forming them and subverting and dismantling them.  Also, Malcolm’s observation that; history is the foundational disiplne and course of studay that...

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