Yet Another Dehumanizing Myth about Black People…

Yet Another Dehumanizing Myth about Black People...diallokenyatta: If you are one of the many idiots who believes and promotes that nonsense that “Black people don’t care when we kill each other, but get up in arms when Whites or Cops kill us,” please, keep your ignorant ass away from me. Far away, if I see anyone promoting that vicious lie, I’m deleting… Fair Warning:  Anyone I see posting any comments about Black people not...

Black-on-Black Violence: Cui Bono?

Black-on-Black Violence: Cui Bono?diallokenyatta: The US is (according to its own rhetoric) is a Capitalist nation. In Capitalism there is no morality, and justice is just another commodity to be traded, bought, and sold to the highest bidder. As we begin yet another Long Hot Summer in South Chicago, and the Poverty Pimps and Community… Every time some stupid ass New Negro makes the comment about why we don’t “rise up when we...

They Ain’t preppring for Terroist or Radicals, They are Setting All this Up for the Rest of You…

They Ain't preppring for Terroist or Radicals, They are Setting All this Up for the Rest of You...diallokenyatta: You docile obedient citizens of the US who think that the US is militarizing all local police departments, eroding civil liberties, and creating a total digital/camera/satellite surveillance network across the whole nation for the so-called “Terrorist,” or ideological militants like me,… #MikeBrown was not a radical, not a...

How is Floyd Mayweather a new Black or new Negro?

Floyd is a Minstrel; when the Dominate White Society sees a Black man with physical power, and such talent, they prefer it to be canceled out with buffoonery.  Just like when they see a Black man with intellect, they prefer him physically weak, effeminate, or as non-aggressive as possible.  You can scoff, but look into this phenomenon. Not all athelets and Black intellects bow to this, but this is the preferred standard in the Dominate White...

So, If you don’t know much about Jack and Jill of America, please explain how you can even have an opinion on it?

Please!, these Negro pseudo-Bourgeoisie, pseudo-Elite organizations and formations are not complex, they have no depth.  Since the days of the House Ni99er (which is the foundation of the Negro Elite, and the Black Elite in the United States), since those days their methods, views, and agendas have not change.They are little more than pale…I’m sorry, they are dark imitations of the White Bourgeoisie.  They want nothing more than...

It Ain’t Because We Black….

I would like make a simple proposal, it didn’t originate with me, but with the elder Dick Gregory. Dick stated years ago not to put the negative of White Domination on ourselves or other victims of this system. He suggested that we put the blame on ourselves unconsciously, and subconsciously by making these type of statements in particular: -“They did it because We Black.” -“They killed her because she was Black,”...

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