What is America and what is an American?

America is North, South, and Central America, plus the Islands in the Caribbean.  An American is a descendant of the invaders,land grabbers, warmongers, mass killers, enslavers, and rapist who took hold of these lands and continue to rule them employing the same methods, just with more technology and more complex justifications for their theft and savagery.

On Supporting Black Businesses:

The Buy Black Movement (aka: Support Black Business Effort) dates back as for as the 1920s, and was formalized by Carlos Cooks when he took the helm of the UNIA, he also started the ‘Black Is Beautiful’ Movement. Now, after almost a century, we should be beyond simply supporting Black Business and on to creating an African Economy, a Pan-African Economy. Honestly, simply supporting Black Business is inadequate in this era of...

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