Bushwick, Brooklyn 2015 – Saturday Night Live
This is what happens when you people fail to create and execute their own agendas and erect barriers around their community and culture. We languished in rural poverty, working for starvation wages for decades after the Reconstruction Era until Whites decided to fully industrialize agriculture and consolidate small farms into mega-farms, thus Black farm labor was obsolete.
Through scams, evictions, and direct violence they ran millions of us out of the Deep South, out of lands that were know for backwardness and abject poverty, but were being turned into profitable farms forms for Big Agribusiness. Although Blacks laid the foundation of American Agriculture, we didn’t share in the spoils of the multi-billion dollar Agriculture boom called The Green Revolution.
We were ran out of the South, robbed of Land and Resources amounting to trillions of dollars, and we were herded like cattle into the Big Cities of the North, West Coast, and Mid-West. We came virtually empty handed and we were ripe for exploitation by the Industrialist of the North. We tend to romanticize this era by calling it the Great Migration, or in books like The Warmth of Other Suns, but in reality this was an act of Ethnic cleansing and massive, state sanction robbery of a Race. (http://www.mamiwata.com/trick.html)
In the South we had to fight the KKK, The White Citizens’ Council, and any other White sociopath who got thrills from brutalizing or raping Black women, children, and men. When we were herded to the North and West we ran into the same levels of violence, we were told things would be different “up North” but they we worse in many instances. From the White Ethnic Gangs and Gangsters to the brutal and deeply racist Labor Unions we had to fight as hard, live as hard, and die as much as we did in the Deep South.
We dealt with the “last hired first fired” status in the Industrial North, that was not much better than the “just over starving” Sharecropping and Tenant farming of the South. We went from dirt floor shacks in the South to the rat infested Projects in the North, still being surrounded by hostile Whites, brutalized by racist cops/sheriff deputies, and ruled by even more hostile local governments. They only thing that changed in the North was the method of exploitation.
The Ghettos of the cities were no different than the slums and Shanty towns of the Deep South, they were not a product of Black laziness, or Black crime, or Black anything, they were created by this System through economic, political, and social policies; Black poverty and dysfunction is the policy of the US, a sustained policy that’s been held to since the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, we were brought here to be a subordinate and non-threatening caste to serve as laborers and to address the needs and interest of the White majority, and Whites have not abandoned that mandate, nor have we managed to escape from or break it. We have the illusions of things changing, but only the methods and tools have changed, the agenda and outcomes remain the same. Whites set up programs, we follow programs; that’s it.
I know, I know, there were the Negros who did well for themselves, the Black Doctors, the Ball Chasers, the Entertainers, the Strivers, and the selected few who were chosen to serve the Systems of White Domination at higher levels and they were well compensated, but I’m speaking about the masses, about the general policies and conditions that the majority of our ancestors and our people today have to deal with. The Black Elites are often more loyal to the programs and agendas of our Oppressors then the Oppressors themselves, so we really need to stop automatically using them as evidence of justice and opportunity for the rest of US.
Now, since the White elite have embarked on a policy of Deindustrialization of the Big Cities on the scale rivaled by their past policy of Agricultural Industrialization in the Deep South decades earlier, Blacks once again find their labor to be obsolete, and once again failed to construct an independent power, economic, and employment base for ourselves; so, we are again being herded, out of the cities using many of the same methods used to run us up outta the Deep South after they no longer need our reduced cost, low skilled labor.
They impoverish Blacks, then criminalize poverty, then create a profitable Prison–industrial complex. They run us up outta the Inner-Cities, into the dying, cultural wastelands of the Suburbs, We pay inflated prices for homes in communities that Whites are abandoning as they pay below market rates for inner-city Brownstones, Bungalows, and multifamily units, etc.; not to mention the grants they get to rehab warehouses and old school buildings and make them into lofts and condos. Check out the research of James Howard Kunstler if you think the suburbs and Exurbs are a viable options for anyone, especially Black people. Researchers are already admitting that the Suburbs are the “slums of the future,” and are on track to be much worse than the inner-city ghettos of my childhood. (http://www.theatlantic.com/…/…/2008/03/the-next-slum/306653/)
It’s the exact same fucking hustle our ancestors when though almost a century ago, and we are even less aware and prepared then they were, even with all of our fucking PhDs, and certifications and shit. We are just well educated cattle being herded to the economic and social slaughter house.
The few Blacks who are allowed to remain in America’s newly gentrified and affluent inner-cities will of course get with the program, welcome the Economic Ethnic Cleaners (Hipsters) with open arms even as they continue to attack other Blacks, just as demonstrated in this Kevin Hart sketch.
This shit is deep, it makes me wonder how Jewish comedians covered the Nazi rise to power and eventual genocide of their people in Germany, the Jewish population is legendary for their humor, even in the face of atrocity.
So are we apparently, we can find humor in our own Ethnic Cleansing, Economic exploitation, and slow & steady genocide.
Sorry, I actually enjoyed this sketch, but after bring exposed to ECC (Economic Ethnic Cleansing) or what’s euphemistically called Gentrification in Brooklyn, Kansas City, Oakland, and now South Chicago, I just can’t simply laugh with the rest of yall, even though is this a brilliant work of comedy.
We need to Wake The Fuck Up, right now, we can’t go another 50 years being herded around this nation, or dwelling on the bottom of the economic and political power totem as Whites and other defined racial groups carry out their agendas on our backs.
Oppression is a Collective Terminal Disease, we either fully cure it, or it will kill all of us; we can not just exist under Oppression, and try to get by as individuals forever, even the White Liberals who pity us will eventually come to despise our weakness and inability to assert our own agendas over theirs.
I’m working myself to exhaustion to deal this issue and the rest of our issues, but I just don’t see the level of understanding and commitment we need to really turn this around. I’m not even saying it’s not out there, but I not seeing it.
Anyway, sorry to taking up so much time and space behind an SNL skit.