If that pisses you off, check this: AirBnB host just got busted discriminating against Black customers, the investigators found that Black AirBnB host were just as likely as White AirBnB host to discriminate against Black customers. NPR did a good little report on this.In his phenomenal text; Disciplined Minds, Jeff Schmidt wrote that Black professionals (cops, doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges) demonstrated no more empathy and solidarity to...
Yes I am.Diop blows me a way, he was truly a polymath. He was a scientist, historian, statesman, administrator, professor, anthropologist, and liberationist.I regret I can’t read his works in Wolof and French, because I’ve read that there something loss in the English translations of his works, which is all that I’m familiar with. His works, and tapes of his lectures were really popular in the 1990s, there were study groups...
Well it all depends on where you look.The Black community’s overall understanding of the Systems and Institutions of White Domination is better, and our sensitivity to the symbols and rituals of White Domination has also improved, and Dr. Welsing made a major contribution to that effort.Before her work and collaborations with Neely Fuller, many of us didn’t have the vocabulary to even describe, let along fully analyse what we were being...
Neoliberalism means: New Liberalism. LOL! (Sorry, about that, but my homie Black Star tells people I’m not a funny dude, so I like to prove him wrong.)Neoliberalism is a return to the nightmare of Laissez Faire economics, anything goes, cutthroat economics. You know how political and social conservatives accuse liberals of having an anything goes ideology; a sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll mentality; well neoliberalims applies that to...
I see people of faith always posting these “Thank the Lord,” or “Praise be to Allah,” or “In the name of Yah,” type post, which I don’t really have a problem with, really.Issues and questions arise in my head because the events and occurrences Believers are thanking their Gods for seem to be extremely pedestrian, It seems like you believers degrade your Gods with the kind of shit yall attribute to them.I...
All you Negros out here talmbout: “I’s votin fah Hillary cuz I sho dun wan Trump tah be prezzident,” sound like fucking Abject Slaves!Yall sound like the kinda Slave who’s run and hide under the skirt of a Hateful Plantation Mistress to protect you from a the wrath of a Sadistic Plantation Master! Listen, you don’t run to the Feminist War Criminal to protect you from the aged Racist Trust Fund Baby! Not only does...
I’m watching it now, my homie just sent me a link so I can see it. He wants us to cover it on our radio program; if you wanna tune in and hear my take on it, here’s the link…http://zeroto100radio.com/We are live every Friday from 7am-12pm; it’s the Bigger & Blacker show, then on Mon and Wed 7am-9am.
Yo, yo, yo!!!Something just came to me.All you macho, manly, anti-Gay Black Puritans, and Toxic Black Nationalist: yall gon boycott Jordans now? How about putting all of yall Jordans and Nike shit on the grill and burning them?What up!?! Are yall really only down to do more than just attack (vulnerable) LGBTQs or are yall willing to adjust your spending and consumer taste to buck the Gay Conspiracy to turn us all Gay?I know that millions of...