The White masses are the most heavily indoctrinated demographic in the United States and across the globe. Just attempt to have a discussion with an Average American; you’ll find that everything they believe they know is based on a lie; from their understanding of the Founding Fathers and the establishment of the Constitutions, to how Whites came to be so wealthy and how the US came to be such a rich and powerful nation; they don’t even...
No, it would be cool though; but that’s just not the case.People who get locked into that “Elders of Zion, Free Mason, Illuminati, Reptilian Bloodline” worldview are entertaining, but it’s just not based on anything that’s ever been fully substantiated. Sorry. (Also, many of the people who push that worldview are hardcore far-right Racist.)The White Elites are not blood related, or even fully united.I wish we were fighting some...
I sho ain’t putting up no money to see it.I have no problem with the movie on the surface; I’m all for artistic expression and freedom of speech. I think Spike should be able to make any kinda movie about any topic he wishes. I also think his critics have the right to express their views about his movies; and challenge the sexism, anti-Blackism, and distortions in his films. I think dialogue, discourse, debate, and even bickering and...
Neocolonialism is when you go from this;…to this;Colonialism was established to extract the land, labor, resources, and wealth from Africa while subduing African people, African culture, and African interests. Neocolonialism is the exact same thing except Whites have been replaced by treasonous Blacks in the direct oversight and day-to-day operations of the original colonial infrastructure and programs. I wish it was more complex than...
If you ignore…. Christian TerroismHindu TerroismBuddist Terrorism Jewish Terrorism State Terrorism Corporate Terroism Drone Terroism Police Terrorism Economic Terrorism (Economic sanctions) Media Terrorism (Western Propaganda) ….but you talk and worry about Islamic terrorism; then you are not anti-terrorism; you are just a mouth piece for an Imperialist Global Agenda. Terrorism is the targeting of civilians with violence and...
Black Lives Don’t Matter in this current political, economic, and social system. Not just in the US; Black Lives Don’t Matter on a Global Scale, from Angola, to the Congo, to Haiti, to Indonesia. Black Lives Don’t Matter under Global White Domination and Industrial/Investment Capitalism. Legal and Moral Appeals to those in Power will not bring Value to Black Lives. Political Reforms and passage of more Civil Rights...
Trauma and stress reduces our critical thinking capacity, thus making us vulnerable to Religious indoctrination. You will find that many people who’ve lived traumatic lives (aka: Lives Full of Sin) eventually find their way to Jesus, Allah, or some other comforting fiction. Religion has always fed on human misery. You either have to get people into the church when they are too young to think critically, or wait for life or conditions to...
Oh Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy, Lawdy.White Jesus wuz tuh bizzy tah help uz so he sent Fahdah Phlagah en hiz place.Ain’t like uz Black folks can do it for ourselves. LOL! Nah, but really; White folks need to save themselves, if a White person really is down for justice and humanity, they would go among other Whites and do their Works there. Whites need more help than any other segment of humanity TBH.Whites can kick in resources; or give us back...