ObamaCare is a Sham!

Obamacare is a sham!!! Not only did Obama fail to correct the worst problems in US healthcare delivery, he further validated a corrupt and deadly systems of for-profit insurances and pharmaceutical industries. The Black community, and the political Left mistook a man who was doing nothing more than working to improve his personal power, wealth, and profile; for a man who had true convictions and the interest of the masses at heart. It’s...

This Ain’t the Pinnacle…

It blows my mind how many grown and established Black folks think this society & economy are the best we ever had and the best we can do. SMH. New Negros have not only been made ignorant of their history, they’ve been rendered ignorant of the potential and capabilities of our people. NNs truly believe we can do no better than this society, that we can tweak (reform) and further integrate into it, but there’s no replacing it with...
Who needs a viable ecosystem, fertile soil, access to fresh uncontaminated water, and clean air when you can have Cops patrol your streets in luxury cars. Who doesn’t love Fascism draped in Opulence? Western Culture, with it’s pathological materialism and drive for expansion and consumption, is the deadliest weapon to come from the Eurocentric Mentality, even more deadly than Nuclear Bombs and Weaponized Drones….because it is...
The masses didn’t say shit when Bush banned the media from taping and airing the coffins of US mercenaries…I mean, US soldiers being brought back from the invaded nations, and Obama held to that practice. When’s the last time the media aired a crippled or disfigured solider getting off their plane or greeting his crying family members? This blatant propaganda don’t get me misty eyed, if fucking pisses me off, it insults...

Education ain’t Liberation….sorry, it ain’t.

The next time some New Negro tells you that “Education is Liberation,” tell them to look up European literacy rates during the Age of Discovery. When Europeans began their global conquest Europe had a literacy rate of around 6%, by they time the European colonial empires were established Europe’s overall literacy rate was barley above 50%! The high literacy rates and overall affluence didn’t come to Europe until the...

Diallo’s Conspiracy Corner: The New Negro Uprising of 2014!

New Negros out here quoting Donald Sterling’s comments on the Black condition and Black behavior!?!? Really!?! As if there are not countless African Scholars and Revolutionist to read and quote! Fuck is wrong wit cha! They be thinking they saying something deep and profound when they quote that demented racist. WTF? Not to mention all these wealthy Black Minstrels coming out expressing their forgiveness of DS, and that goddamn church that...

Minstrels Speaking for Massa…

Goddammit, listen you muthafuckin New Negros!!!!!… There are Black political prisoners, Black exiles, Blacks who are falsely incarcerated, Blacks suffering atrocities, hell there are even corrupt Black Elite who get exposed all over this fucking World! In every single corner of the fucking World! So if you wanna use your prominent position as a Ball-Chaser, or as a Minstrel Entertainer to speak out, to ask for forgiveness for someone...

On the Oppressed…

The People get angry at you when you show hostility towards the institutions & conditions that oppress the People. If you intend to act on behalf of the People, or simply in you own personal interest against the System & Institutions of White Domination, or if you simply acknowledge the existence of such Systems & Institutions, prepare to be attacked as aggressively by other victims of oppression as you are by the oppressors....

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