King’s Dream…

Dr. King was warned by Kwame Ture and Malcolm X against seeking integration with a system without calling for an end to imperialism and capitalism. King was told that seeking legal Reform of discrimination laws instead of organizing for Pan-African Revolution would drive Black people towards the worst aspects of the culture we were seeking to integrate with.

So when I see this, I have to conclude that it is the fulfillment of King’s Integrationist Dream. From Obama’s bombing of Africa, to Black folks, who now got money, creating this type of nonsense; they are all children of King’s dream.

I will give King credit for finally accepting X’s and Ture’s wisdom in the last year of his public life, but he was not given the opportunity to act on his new understandings because the US government assassinated him. So his legacy is that of an Integrationist who saw the light a little too late.