I’ve just been told that God is behind the most recent weather catastrophes. A believer told me that God was showing his disfavor with us, due to our misuse of doctrine. I asked this individual (and I ask now the rest of you who believe this); why does The Almighty would hide his wrath behind seemingly scientifically explainable, and foretasted weather phenomenon. What was god scared of, was God trying to test faith as he punished some...

Pan-African PSA.

African People, our enemies agenda is no longer capture, oppression, and containment; it’s isolation, incarceration, and extermination. Please adjust your resistance efforts accordingly. Stop fighting the old battles and trying to resurrect old struggles; understand and address what is before you.#PanAfricanism.

Be Careful What You Wish, Protest, March, or Vote For.

When you seek education from you oppressors, they will teach you to oppress yourselves. When you seek employment from you oppressors, they will employ you to oppress yourselves. When you seek integration with your oppressors, they will separate you from yourselves. When you worship the God of you oppressor, you cease to be. #PanAfricanism.

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