Diallo, I’m a Hispanic white woman doing a PhD in Latin American Studies at a racist as fuck institution (U of C). I also teach undergrads there. Is there any point at all for me to work within the system of white domination to try contribute to its dismantling– via my teaching/research? Or there’s no dismantling possible? Will the system of white domination only collapse by implosion, led by its own psychopathic nature? What are my possible exits from this shit, as a white person? Thank you.

The Systems and Institutions of Global White Domination only have three possible outcomes, Erosion, Collapse, or Dismantling.Both the Erosion and Collapse of this system will destroy the life sustaining capacity of the planet’s ecosystems; there will be no complex lifeforms or viable ecosystems left if this (doomed) Global System is allowed to run its course.Right now GWD is deeply in the Erosion phase globally, with local and regional...

I live in London, England ! England is at present going through a period of historic demographic change through mass immigration and the mass miscegenation of white British women ! I see especially in London a very large number of black brothers who are engaged in the vigorous and widespread miscegenation of especially young white British women ! I believe that this is the colonisation of Britain and miscegenation of the native white British females in a totally normal and natural way ! karma ?

No, it’s not Karma. Also, this “miscegenation” will not reduce racism or change the racial and power hierarchy of England, or the rest of the world.  Just look at Latin America, where the White invaders engaged in open and widespread race mixing with the Natives, and African captives. Today they have hundreds of racial classifications for the wide array of color tones, hair textures, and racial mixes; but without exception, the Whites and...

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