Schools both grade and degrade large segments of society. Ivan Illich
Month: May 2016
Snoop Dogg Calls for Roots Boycott: ‘They Just Want to Keep Showing the Abuse That We Took’
Snoop Dogg Calls for Roots Boycott: 'They Just Want to Keep Showing the Abuse That We Took'I’ve noticed a lot of New Negroes are mad about all the “slavery movies,” now even Snoop is sick of the Slave movie, which is ironic since he made millions promoting a practice that was born in Slavery; selling the bodies of Black women (Pimping). Maybe Black folks are in like a 100-200 year lag. Maybe the oppression and slavery of...
Comrade Diallo, why do black folks create hashtags like #oscarssowhite, but won’t create hashtags like #revolutionizeAfricancinema or #supportNollywood. Why do black folk insist on being included and represented in white or european owned, created and supported institutions?
Integration and Integrationist leaders and organization have undue influence over out thinking and actions because our oppressors have been promoting reformist and Integrationism within Black communities and movements since 1868. At the same time, our oppressors have been suppressing, with legal and extra legal means, any radical or liberationist leaders, movements, and ideologies.The Integrationist are very arrogant and they mock Black...
Since you think religious men shouldn’t be leaders. doesn’t that mean Malcolm shouldn’t be? or did he put black people above islam?
First off, I want to thank you for listening to the show; please help us get the word out and support us so that we can continue with Keeping It 100: Let’s be clear, you can be a (secular) Black leader and hold religious beLIEfs and values. Take Garvey for example; he was a Christian, but he did not lead as a Christian, his personal religion was not the foundation or even guide for his leadership. Garvey even...
Our Sisters & Dey Shows: The ‘Scandal’ within the ‘Empire’ of Pro-Sports.
It’s play off season, and yet again I don’t see Black women buggin out about the amount of time, emotion, energy, and money Black men are putting into watching other men chase balls for millions while generating billions for their owners.I hope you brothers appreciate this: being able to consume and enjoy your distractions in peace without Sisters talking smack about your past time somehow being a detriment to the progress and...
why do you think are some of the reasons that Tulsa Oklahoma (black wall street) became so successfull.
That’s an easy question: Tulsa, OK aka; Black Wall Street was so successful because they practiced Group and Communal Economics. They pooled their resources, they recycled not only their currency but their skills and resources among each other, and finally, they did not dilute their time, resources, and talents among the White majority. That’s it. Of course, it was much easier to practice Group and Communal Economics because...
Do you think people are wrong when the say that racists are dumb (low IQ) ?
Yes, they are wrong; Racist run the full gambit of human intelligence, from absolute idiot to genius. One of the smartest Racist, who taught the White Elites how to suppress Black Militancy and Revolt without using so much violence and open repression is B.F. Skinner. He conceptualized the “Technology of Control,” which allows our oppressors to allow us “freedom and dignity” but we still are unable to secure the true liberation we...
I love your blog and you are are a real brother of the Revolution. Like how you broke down and dismantled the fuckshit of Africans selling other Africans into slavery and relating to the experiences of all those who have been oppressed. No one ever says euro peasants betrayed other peasants during peasant revolts. People want to believe that the oppressed are willing participants in their own pain, because oppressor propaganda have made a lot of people fucking insane.
Word. One.