Black Gays Getting Played….Just Like the Rest of Us.

Now that the Gay Rights Movement has secured the right to openly serve in the US military, to end formal discrimination in housing and the workplace, and Marriage equality; White gays are now back to focusing on being White. NPR reported this week that White gays vote their “economic interest” above all other issues since the US Supreme Court has thrown it’s full support behind Gay Marriage. There are even prominent Gay...

Understanding and Utilizing Black Power.

The Black community should never ask, or even be concerned if another Race/Community/Ethnicity hates us or wishes to do us harm; the only question is “is this Race/Community/Ethnicity in a position to do harm or exploit our communities?” If the answer is yes, then we address that vulnerability; whether or not that Race/Community/Ethnicity intends to act on that ability is totally irrelevant. “Power responses to all...

Advice to Black Capitalist from a Pan-African Socialist.

The Key to success in Capitalism is Exploitation and Displacement. If you want to rise up in this System you must Exploit and Displace humans, animals, and ecosystems. It’s rather obvious who Europeans displaced and exploited to gain their seats at the helm of Capitalism. The Chinese didn’t have the option of creating a global empire as they elevated in Capitalism (they were/are held at bay by the nuclear armed White Capitalist), so...

It’s Still Nation Time…

OK, after the Civil Rights Movement, Affirmative Action, all these Minstrels and Ball-Chasers earning immense riches (not wealth, but riches), and all the other ‘Black Achievements’ over the last half century, culminating in the election of Obama to POTUS; after all that shit, I can understand why many Black people would have just assumed that, despite some lingering Racism, we have made it! That “wez dun reached de Promised...

On New Negro Self Exposure…

I was teetering between indifference and amusement and annoyance that Raven-Symoné made a public exit from Blackness, or African-Americaness into a Raceless, Lableless Utopia; but I was being shortsighted. I think it was great that she made this announcement to Oprah (and therefore before the global media) instead of at some Hollywood cocktail party, or to her wife over pillow talk. Raven’s public display of her Mentacidal reasonings...
Happy Birthday Fela Kuti! (10.15.1930)

Your thoughts on micheal eric dyson?

I would have called him an Assertive Integrationist until I saw him continue to hold the torch for Obama.  If he were not an educated man I would have dismissed him as just another politically illiterate Obamite, but he knows better, so I have to put him in the New Negro box.  Shit Polotical Taxonomy is hard when dealing with these New Negros because the be flipping and jumping from box to box so often.  LoL.  But serious, fuck Micheal Eric...

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