Red meat triggers toxic immune reaction which causes cancer, scientists find – Telegraph
Scientists at the University of California discovered that the human body views red meat as a foreign invader and launches an immune response
Meat consumption provokes a toxic immune response when you eat it, which leads to the production of antibodies, which leads to inflammation, which sends you down the path of carcinogenic mayhem.
That’s because humans don’t have the same digestive chemistry and anatomy of “other carnivores.” LoL!, “other carnivores,” shit there’s a whole bunch of other shit that humans lack in the carnivore area too tho. That’s why humans have to predigest their meat (with cooking, or with other acids and enzymes) or yall will get sicker quicker from consuming animal flesh, yall the only “carnivore” on the damn planet that has to do that shit.
So, the “health experts” recommend reducing, not ending, but reducing your meat consumption, which I guess will extend the gestation period of the cancerous tumors your are growing and feeding with you animal flesh consumption.
But don’t worry you Human Flesh Eaters, I’m sure Monsanto, or some other GMO and BioTech corporation is busy at work developing a way to graft animal digestive enzymes and acids onto the human digestive system; how cool would it be to have the intestinal flora and acid of a lion?
Or maybe they will develop a strand of digestible animal flesh, like splicing a cow with some mango genes or some bullshit like that. Then you can eat those tortured and degraded beast without worry or concern, right.
Oh, and evolution and long term environmental impacts be damned! Right? Because if you cared about that kinda shit you would have stopped consuming animal flesh and animal secretions (dairy) a long time ago, right?