Mar. 9, 2020: Episode 316
Moral Clauses, Secret Sterilizations, Black Elites, Race Class & Ideology, Climate Refugees, White Welfare, Influenza Deaths, Tangibles 2020, Huey P. for Congress...
Mar. 6, 2020: Episode 315 My Name is Dolomite, Struggle Friendships, Public Enemy, Ghana Independence, UNIA, Sleeping At Work, Rev. Jefferson, Rituals, Black Humanism...
Mar. 4, 2020: Episode 314 Mentacide, Global Warming, Black Democrats, I Was A Liberal, NeoLiberalism & NeoFascism, Mao, Afganistan, Chicago Politics, Democratic Funders...
Mar. 2, 2020: Episode 313 Lightfoot & Columbus Day, Homeless, Immigration, Haiti, White Farmer Welfare, Hate Speech, Democratic Primary, The Great Migration, Wealth Extraction, Private Sector...
Feb. 28, 2020: Episode 312 The Afterlife, Dr. Mingo Exposed, Lynching, Rep. Bobby Rush, Strip Club, Bloomberg Money, Mass Shooters, Dr. Umar, Wife School, Bernie's Socialism, Progressive Reforms...
Feb. 26, 2020: Episode 312 Great White Hope, Roma People, The Cosnerati, Equality with Whites, Empathy, Global Warming, Human Animals, Offending Religion, Fake Problems, Abortion & Genocide...