Microsoft’s massive layoffs target hardware division
How long we been telling our (upwardly mobile) Black youth that tired ass New Negro Mantra: “We gotta be strong in the math and sciences,” or that “technology is da fewcha.”
Who remembers when Black youth were being told to “wuk dat plot ah land, hard work is the key to a betta life,” after Emancipation from Chattel Slavery? We toiled for decades Sharecropping ourselves deeper into debt until Industrial farming came along and the Southern White Elite run us outta the South forcing us to leave behind what little (actually it was more than a little) we did accumulate, who recalls that?
Who remembers when Black youth were told, “get you one a dem gud factory jobs up North,” when we were promised opportunity and equality because the Elite Whites in the North were not as racist as those in the South. Yeah it was all good…(not really, but let’s pretend it was for the sake of argument)…it was all good until Mechanization and Outsourcing lead to Deindustrialization of America’s industrial cities, in the regions we now call the Rustbelt regions, which all had large Black populaitons.
But it was all good because then came along the Service economy and the Post-industrial economy with it’s promise of tech jobs. We trained up, and continue to train up whole new generations of Black youth to “wuk fah” White folks in yet another industry that hires us last and fires us first.
We got Negros with advanced degrees, and technical skills but they still don’t seem any wiser than the illiterate Black Sharecroppers when it comes to figuring out the White Elite and their Omnicidal Economic systems.
So we have Lettered Black folks, from teachers with Masters Degrees to Computer Programers being laid off in mass; and unlike their White colleagues, they don’t have decades of social preference, White privilege, and wealth accumulation to fall back on.
When we gon learn that there will be no (collective) economic growth, economic security, economic stability, or basic sustainability for Black folks until we erect our own independent economy, based on our unique values and agendas?
What’s the next Economic Carrot you think they gonna wave in front of us, what’s the next economic sector we will place all our hopes and dreams into, that we will send out best and brightest Black youth to (wage) slave within? the Green Economy, perhaps?
Don’t worry, you got a little more time before the bottom falls out of the Tech Economy completely, so you can continue to feed Black minds and talent into that machine. Plus the Elite are inflating a new housing bubble for the populace to get additional Fiat currency in.
(Note: This is my usual disclaimer for the New Negros who lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills: NO I’m not against Black people learning math and science, or mastering computer tech, or getting degrees!!!
That’s not what the fuck I’m saying.
I am simply stating that we need our own independent economic agenda, a separate economy, and we need to use our skills and intellect to build our own independent systems and institutions; we need to exit the volatile, Racist, and unsustainable economy of our oppressors ASAP, but also practically. OK? That should be simple enough for even the New Negros to comprehend, even if they disagree, they will know what they are disagreeing with.)