I think Haiti should be the official Capital of the Global African Diaspora.
I don’t think the African Diaspora will ever rise in status, power, prestige, or unity unless we help the Haitians to continue and advance the Haitian Revolution.
Haiti is the most significant nation in the Western Hemisphere as far as any African living outside of Africa should be concerned. It is the heart and the inspiration of the African Diaspora.
Our oppressors understand all of this, the understand it much better than we do. That’s why the seek to sustain Haiti as the “poorest nation int he Western Hemisphere.” Haiti scares the shit out of them, even to day it does.
We’ll know that the Pan-African Revolution and the African Diaspora is serious when we begin to fight with Haitians, and elevate Haiti to its proper standing in history and among nations.
Haiti is a Global Landmark.