Mar. 25, 2019: Episode 227
American Stupidity, Geto Boys, Obstruction of Justice, Witness Tampering, Russiagate, The People, Julian Assange, What About Gang, Shaq's Gorilla Dab, Claud Anderson & ADOS, Reparations, Guns and Liberty, Nuremberg, Genocide, Chattel Slaves, White Aggression, Law & Enforcement, Black Complacency...
Mar. 22, 2019: Episode 226
Happily Hellbound, Shout Outs, Catholic Indoctrination, Sex & Violence, 737 Super Max, Take Our Jobs, Tinfoil Hat Time, Trump's Politics, Corporate Media, Cyclone Idia, White Aggression, NAFTA & GAT, Hurricane Katrina, Imperial Slaughter, Jim Crow, ADOS is Despicable, Race War, Civil War II...
Mar. 20, 2019: Episode 225
Global Warming, Midwest Flooding, Trump's HR Problem, White Immigrants, Chancellor Williams, Morality & Intellect, Our Implacable Foe, Neely Fuller, "These Hands" Rhetoric, Parasitism, Native American Wealth, White Pathology, Neutrality, Nazi Ideology, Mass Awakening, Reality Check, Revolutionary Heroes...