Forgive my Atheistic Ignorance But….

I see people of faith always posting these “Thank the Lord,” or “Praise be to Allah,” or “In the name of Yah,” type post, which I don’t really have a problem with, really. Issues and questions arise in my head because the events and occurrences Believers are thanking their Gods for seem to be extremely pedestrian, It seems like you believers degrade your Gods with the kind of shit yall attribute to them....

Don’t Ask Me to Respect Your (Religious) Delusions; I’m Under No Obligations to do So.

I was asked again today why I attack people’s Religion, and disrespect their faith. I’m asked this question on almost a weekly basis. People seem to think that I’m obligated to accept, respect, and be sensitive to other people’s delusions. Well, here’s yet another restatement of my position on Black Religion and Faith: It is one of the oldest myths in the Black community that “Faith,” is about a...
When we were forced into this country Whites didn’t give us good housing, good food, good clothes, or good education, why the hell do you think they gave us such Good Religion?  - Dr. Bobby E. Wright

Civil Rights, Integration, Token Justice, & the Preservation of White Domination.

Most of the Social indicators for Black people have declined since we “won our Civil Rights.” Not just objective indicators like economics, two-parent households, home ownership, chronic disease affliction, life expectancy, incarceration rates, etc.; we have also fallen in the more subjective areas of community cohesion, group happiness, and optimism for the future. What Whites realized in the 1960s was that something had to change,...

Black-on-Black Violence: Cui Bono?

The US is (according to its own rhetoric) is a Capitalist nation. In Capitalism there is no morality, and justice is just another commodity to be traded, bought, and sold to the highest bidder. As we begin yet another Long Hot Summer in South Chicago, and the Poverty Pimps and Community Pacifiers (not Organizers, but Pacifiers…they keep us passive) emerge with their tired and ineffective solutions to Black-on-Black Violence and youth...

Yet Another Dehumanizing Myth about Black People…

If you are one of the many idiots who believes and promotes that nonsense that “Black people don’t care when we kill each other, but get up in arms when Whites or Cops kill us,” please, keep your ignorant ass away from me. Far away, if I see anyone promoting that vicious lie, I’m deleting they asses. Just because the White Media loves to show the carnage, and your TV Brain will not show you the sorrow, shame, and work...

On Karma…

I wish Black people would stop playing around with the word and concept of Karma. It is an obscene and retched notion that is married to the systems of Untouchability (See: Dalits), Slavery, Sexual Bondage, and Sexism. It is not about Cosmic Justice, but the maintenance of a strict Caste system in the nations that developed the concept. I keep hearing these so-called Spiritual People, and just us regular folks use Karma in both serious and...

Coming Soon: The Kool-Aid Party

You Obamites (Uncritical Obama Supporters) have just over 2 years to figure out how yall gon justify criticizing the next Republican president for doing the exact same shit yall support Obama in doing. Yall can go the White Political Hypocrite Route, and just openly ignore the hypocrisy; like how they cry about the loss of liberty under Obama, and ignored the loss of liberty under Bush. Just copy their Tea Party methodology and form a Kool-Aid...

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