Black Capitalism & African Development.

You Black, Afrocentric Capitalist who seek to bring Western Development to Black communities and across the African Continent should visit other non-White nations who’ve adopted Capitalism, and Western Development.

Southeast Asia is a global model for the adoption and successful implementation of Capitalism. They have more Gucci and Prada stores than Manhattan and Paris is some of their cities. They produce a lot of the cheap, throw-a-way crap we can’t seem to get enough of here in the US, then use those dollars to fuel their own high rate of Conspicuous consumption.

Southeast Asia is a Capitalist’s dream land, and it only cost them millions of lives, the destruction of their ecosystems, degradation and loss of their cultures, and the total pollutions of their environment.

Small price to pay to live as (dysfunctional as) your former enslavers and colonizers, right?

Note: There is another way, a proven way to progressive development, and just social relations. That’s what the Bloom Cooperative is working towards.
