So, what do you think about Mark Essex? I’m not part of any race or politics. His victims were random “whites” including if I’m not mistaken random “black” victims. Where is the structure of black power in his actions? You also can’t justify his acts because of what white racists do. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If you do think there is black power in his actions, why not just get to killing “whites” on sight and see what happens?

See, this is why I  can’t fuck with White Liberals, this right here.  When you White you can play that “I’m not part of any race…” bullshit. Let a Brotha try that and he wouldn’t make it one block.  Since our ancestors didn’t Invade, Rape, and Rob the world of it’s resources, then horde those resources within our Race for generations, non-Whites don’t have the option of taking vacations from our Race, we can’t say;...
How the fuck we gon sustain a movement when we can’t even sustain animosity for our oppressors? We can’t even sustain a healthy distrust of a people who repeatedly make false promises to us, and reneged on their concessions to us.  SMH. Shit we can’t even get around to Waking our People Up, until they grow the fuck up (emotionally); we act like naive and trusting children when we engage the Systems and Institutions of White...
Dr. Dr. John Henrik Clarke on Maulana Karenga; the creator of Kwanzaa and the Nguzo saba. ‪#‎BlackAugust‬2015(Source:

Do you think what Mark Essex did was right? Seems he didn’t do much to advance black power, just killed random whites.

White killers are on the US currency, there are monuments to White killers, statues of them all over the nation, there are holidays dedicated to White killers that we are all obligated to observed in some form.  There isn’t one fucking day when every single Black person in this nation doesn’t encounter the name, face, or legacy of a White person who “just killed random” Blacks; who raped Black women, children, and men; who tortured,...

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