Fuck the Boondocks!

The Boondocks is not sophisticated, it is not social commentary, it is not even an accurate portrait of the issues that plague the African community. It is crass stereotyping, with some superficial commentary thrown in to allow the “progressives” who enjoy that bullshit to justify their indulgence. Like those people who say they read Playboy for the articles. I bet you would never see such a show about Jewish Stereotypes with one...
How do you get a People who once occupied their minds and time with building civilizations, mapping the cosmos, and developing methods of living symbiotically within the world’s ecosystem, to now occupy their minds with securing vast amounts of Fiat currency and spending it on shit made in sweatshops by malnourished slaves? How do you get a People who constructed complex societies that didn’t have a want or need for armies, prisons,...
If you wanna know why Haiti is still intensely repressed by the Western Powers, why they will not give its people a chance to recover and rise, simply study the Haitian Revolution and how it not only brought down the greatest European war machine of its era, but it inspired oppressed African all over the globe to hope and resist. The poor and subdued Haitians still scare the shit outta the Global White Elite, even today, so they will not lift...
Before you Black folks continue to yell that “Black & Brown Unity” rhetoric, make sure you are making a clear distinctions between the Aztecs, Mayans, Inuits, Tianos, Arowaks, and the other Native Inhabitants of this occupied territory and the goddamn Conquistadors. Yall acting like Spanish language and culture is native to this land, or that the Spaniards were any less genocidal than their English, French, German, and Dutch...
Capitalism doesn’t seek to solve problems, only profit from them. The Cancer Industry is a perfect example. The Capitalist have spent the last couple of centuries toxifying our environment. There is not one ecosystem on this planet that has not been polluted to some degree by industrial production which generates the capitalist’s profits. Polluted ecosystems lead to polluted bodies, every human body on this planet is full of...

On Education & Liberation

How educated were those who attacked the Native Americans, and stole this land? What about those who invaded Africa and colonized that land? What about the mercenaries who toppled India’s empires or the dynasties of Asia? Most of the people who did the grunt work of European Empire building were illiterate, they had no formal education whatsoever. They were essentially barbarians. Education is very conservative, no matter where it comes...

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