No, Racism is relatively new to the world, most of human history advanced without Racism.Now, there will always be prejudice, xenophobia, and bias; but the Institutional Power needed to erect and sustain Racism is already deeply decayed and eroding; we just need to work to make sure that the collapse of Racism and the fall of the Racist does not take the rest of us down with it through Nuclear War, or Total Ecosystems Collapse; which is what...
I think so, and the Western Imperialist Powers agree with me; or else why would they invest so much time and resources in suppressing Haiti’s people?I also agree that we need community, regional, national, continental Power and Global Pan-African unification and coordination. The path to all of that is visible, but full of traps and obstructions. I say Global unification over Superpower status & Domination cuz that’s a terminal...
If 1% can rule and oppress the rest while holding the majority of the world’s wealth and resources under their direct control, why the hell are we always complaining about and using “lack of unity” as an excuse?Why can’t a 1% of Conscious Africans liberate our people and redistribute the world’s resources?We, the Conscious Black Community are not failing due to lack of unity and support from the unconscious masses,...
If there was such a thing as “Good Cops” there would be thousands of corrupt police officers tried or incarcerated after being reported, detained, and arrested by other officers. Show me duh mug shots!If there were “Good Cops” there would be dozens of departmental strikes or sit-ins organized by cops to stop or obstruct Racist and Fascist policies of their departments. Where dey do dat at?If there were “Good...
There’s no such thing as neutrality under injustice, you are either for justice or you are against it. Robert F. Williams
There is no White Genocide, not even according to the White definition of Genocide, which is pretty stupid.Now, Whites are victims of Fratricide; because the only existential threat to White people is White people, or more specifically the White Elites.But Racist are fucking cowards, especially the low-class, run of the mill White Nationalist who are the primary ones talking that White Genocide bullshit. So they are not about to attack the...
That’s because the Revolution wasn’t/iisn’t over. The Oppressive powers that Castro, Mugabe, and Kim Il Sung fought are not only still standing, they are still on the offensive against these Revolutions. It’s not an excuse, but it’s the reason. One of the Revolutions where the Revolutionaries stepped down prematurely was the Haitian Revolution; and those who inherited the State from the Revolutionary forces turned it right over...
Capitalism needs a population that can perform technical and complex task, but it can’t thrive with a population that is capable of critical thinking. So we are trained to be good workers while being subjected to conditioning to destroy our capacity to think, to truly think. Diallo Kenyatta