The Feminist Agenda vs. Black Women’s Oppresion

White Feminist were complaining about not being allowed into the work
force while Black women been working in the US since slavery (for free,
then for starvation wages, and now for poverty wages).

Feminist were fighting to stop Sexual Harassment in corporate America,
while ignoring Black women were suffering brutal rape,assaults, and
murder in the streets and America’s prisons (that were driven by US
economic and criminal justice policies).

White Feminist were complaining
not having the vote until the 1920s while Black women were being beaten
and lynched up to the 1960s, and are still not having their votes
counted today.

Feminist are complaining about body image, while Black women still
suffer direct and brutal attacks against their bodies and are subjected
to a Global Media that portrays them in the most demeaning fashions
(including the media controlled and supported by White women).

White Feminist are pushing for their cut of the wealth and resources
White men have stolen from the rest of the world, and Black women are
still fighting the “welfare queen” stereotype (that even White women
still perpetuate).

I could go on and on, tacking “Black” on the
front of Feminism will not fix this shit. Yall gon have to break camp or
remain second-class Sisters in the Feminist movement.

way, it’s on yall Sisters, I’m just calling it as I see it, but I ain’t
about to dare tell yall what yall can or can’t do.