I wanna thank your people for being slaves, so we didn’t have to be. Also, for being so vociferous in your black power movement, that you forced us whites to unite. Before it was Germans vs. Brits vs. Jews vs. Russians, etc. Now it’s just white vs. black. Europe had 2 world wars, with millions of Europeans dying. Ain’t gonna happen again. No more Europeans getting killed. Now it’s Africans and Arabs doing the dying. So please continue with your nigger rhetoric. It plays into our hands

Oh, wow, where do I start; I’ll try to keep this simple and use single as many single syllable words as possible to that you can keep up.1. Whites spent more time enslaved and colonized by other Whites than Africans.  I’m not gonna bother with giving you historical references, total waste of all of our time.  Just look up the entomology of the word “slave.”  Your ancestors were masters a warfare, colonization, systematic rape,...

Is it lonely being a social justice warrior?

You musta missed my write up on SJWs (http://diallokenyatta.tumblr.com/search/social+justice+warrior)The short answer is: I don’t know, I’m not a SJW, nor do I know any SJWs, or if I do they hide the SJW status from me, like I only know Clarks and Bruces, but no Batmen or Supermen. Now, if you ask me: Is it lonely being a Poor, educated, Revolutionary, Pan-Africanist, Vegan, Anti-Theist I could tell you, cuz that’s what I is.I’m not...

Why do you people get so mad when a white person says nigger? You people call each other that all the time. You sing about it in par songs. Hell, you even call us a nigger, too. You act like its no big deal til we say it, then it’s World War 3. If you don’t respect yourselves, how can you expect others to respect you?!

That’s a good question….about Respect, why have Whites fought, not one, but two continent spanning wars where they killed hundreds of millions of other Whites?  Why have Whites, in their pursuit of short term profits, contaminated Europe and many other regions where Whites dwell, causing congenital and chronic diseases for Whites (and White children) to balloon?  Did you know that Western Europe is the most nuclear contaminated region...

Their time is up! That’s why they’re so desperate, right?! The know they will have to submit to us soon. That’s why they hang onto that white superiority complex

The desperation and irrationality of Western Culture and Global White Elites is not a good indicator of their eventual or inevitable demise.  This System has been in a constant state of crisis, conflict, and desperation.  Western Culture in general is a particularly Apocalyptic Culture, seeing it’s inevitable demise just around the corner for the last 2000 years or more.  Also, we oppressed peoples have counted them out many times only to...
Stop calling White Pathology, “White Privilege.” Diallo Kenyatta

What do you think of the Moor/Moore/Muur movement in regards to the belief that the people that are considered Black / African American are actually Indigenous peoples native to the land mass considered North America. If you got this question before please link me to your response because these individuals baffle me to no end but it has become a point of interest in regards to understanding varied perspectives. Thank you.

I think Moors, Moorish Science, and the overall movement is utter nonsense. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I’m kinda tired of tip-toeing around these topics and issues.  It’s one of many Black Cults that sprang up since the end of the Reconstruction Era in Black America.  Oppressed populations who have little to no agency in their lives or larger society are very susceptible to cults and fantasy.  The Moors are a cult that spoke to the...

Greetings, I have read your interesting take on anarchy and possible liberation of our people. Have you had a chance to read African Anarchism The History of a Movement? Your analysis would be appreciated.

I have not read that text, but I would like to if I could secure a copy.  It’s been on my To Read List for a few years, but I have an extensive list of text to get to; and even though I read a shit load of books my To Read List is expanding faster than my Dun Read list.  LOL!If I do secure a copy and read it within the next few months I will post my take on the text.  

What are your views on Anarchism in relation to Pan-Africanism and Socialism?

Anarchism will be the ultimate outcome of the proper implementation of Socialism. Socialism will be the ultimate outcome of the proper implementation of Pan-Africanism.People think that Anarchy means chaos, but the historical reality is, hierarchy, oppressive and exploitative governing and economic systems are the source of chaos, wars, ecocide, and all of the other ills that plague human societies.Anarchy literally means No Rulers, no...

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