If Zimmerman walks, he remains Trayvon’s father’s responsibility (or the responsibility of Brothers on the inside if he’s convicted); the the system that produced Zimmerman, taught, supported, validated, armed, and released him is our collective responsibility to deal with. There is no need for any more reactionary rioting, protesting, or shock/outrage; this era calls for calculated, planned, organized, and continuing action. We need...
dynamicafrica: Happy Independence Day Djibouti! The Republic of Djibouti is a successor of French Somaliland. It was later referred to as the French territory of the Afars and Issas. The country was created in 19th century after French became interested in the Horn of Africa as a reaction growing British interests in Egypt. The first elections were held in the region on 23rd November 1958. French President Charles de Gaulle visited Djibouti in...
Supreme Court Invalidates Key Part of Voting Rights ActOh Lawdy, Lawdy! The Black Integrationist are all up in arms. De Supreme Court, with Uncle Justice Thomas has dun tuk away us people’s voting rights! Or something to that effect. Shame, because look at all the gains we’ve made since the 1965 Voting Rights Act….right? In reality, we’ve gained more fighting and organizing outside and against the System than we’ve...
I have a relative who calls Black people; “The Wildebeest of the World,” because we are always being herded from region to region by powers beyond our control and fed upon by all of the predators along our forced migrations. We were herded from the South to the north by racial violence, only to be exploited by the slum lords and industrialist. We were herded into the formally all-White inner-cities only to be fed upon by rats,...
Thomas Compares Affirmative Action To SlaveryThe sad truth is that the self-hate that grips Justice Clarance Thomas is not unique, you find it through the African Diaspora. It’s just that so few of you self-loathing Negros ever get into positions to carry out your Anti-African sentiments like Justice Thomas; but you all still attack our people in your own pathological ways whenever you can. I see so many of you Mini-Thomas’ all over...
Mandela’s time on this planet can be counted in hours or days, according to the BBC. I hope that is enough time to brace myself for all the sorrowful folks who will be posting shit about Madiba w/out any intention on picking up the baton of African/Black redemption. I will try to ignore people who pretend to give a damn about a man, w/out giving a damn about what that man (pretended) to represent. I guess I will have to find comfort in...
Just imagine if the European came to these shores and decided to employ the Negro Integrationist path to power. What if they worked to integrate w/ the natives? What if educated their youth to work within the tribal system, or for the most powerful chiefs in there area? Imagine if they allowed the Whites whom had most assimilated into, and internalized Native ways to be their leaders & role-models? What if their very definition of success...
How do you walk past rampant environmental destruction, stockpiles of nuclear weapons that could kill all life on earth 10-times over, the premeditated murder of millions of Congolese/Iraqis, animal extinction levels that haven’t been seen since the fall of the dinosaurs, and the eminent perversion of all life forms on earth due to the proliferation of GMOs in our environment; and arrive at Sagging Pants being the major problem in the Black...