Kenyan Lawyer To Take Jews and Israel to Hague… OVER CRUCIFIXION OF JESUSThe Bible has been the most effective tool for enslaving Africans (including you here in the US who like to pretend that yall ain’t African no more). It has worked better than any chains, whips, Gatling guns, bombs, or jail cells that have been used against us. It’s so dangerous because it drives us to continue to re-enslave ourselves, and our children into...
These muthafukin shoes are produced in sweatshops, by underpaid and under-aged workers. The workers use toxic glues and dangerous machinery to make these shoes, they are often injured or poisoned, and they don’t get any benefits or healthcare. The shoes are made with leather that is tanned in other sweatshops that dump mercury and other toxic chemicals into the environment. The plastic and dyes are also toxic and polluting. The shoes are...
#IHaveConcluded: Healthy Black relationships are ‘Co-Conspiracies Against Black Oppression.’
— Diallo Kenyatta (@diallokenyatta) July 31, 2013
Sunlight, air, water, and land are all free, abundant, and regenerating. They are the source of all life and sustenance. We are the only living creatures who pay for access to them. We pay other people who have fenced off the land, bottled up and dammed the water, put restrictions on air space, and charge us for solar energy (i.e. food). We have been forced to exit the ecology and live within an economy; the economy is a fiction with fake money...
The laws (along with their enforcement) in this nation are not based on morality, or established for the well being of the citizens. Laws are set up by the wealthy and powerful to preserve their status. The actions that the wealthy take to enrich themselves are legal no matter how damaging they are to the society or the environment. The actions that the poor take to increase their individual wealth or collective power are made unlawful or...
The Dark Ages never ended. Europe simply exported all of its violence, famine, pestilence, superstition, and dysfunction to African and the rest of the so-called Third Word. The Wealth of the West is fueled by global poverty and instability.
If you have a hornet’s nest in your area, and your children are being stung, injured, and even killed by the hornets, you don’t try to invent better methods for your children to avoid hornets, or give them thicker clothing and hope for the best; you destroy the nest and drive out the hornets! If you have a pack of wolfs that preys on the children in your community, you don’t try to convince your children to run faster and find...
No, I understand the role of faith; but I’ve made the conscious decision to let go of, and even reject the concept of and reliance on faith. I simply view and engage the world from a realist point of view, but I also accept that there are things well beyond my understanding/grasp. I just stand with not knowing as opposed to inventing an explanation for the unknown, or hoping/depending that the unknown will act or function in my favor,...