I arrived at the station to do the show & I’m locked out. ?
#BroDiallo (at West Side, Chicago)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a,...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a,...
In the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and most of the 1980s the average Police Officer was equipped with a .38 Revolver (that needed to be reloaded after 6 shots), a wooden billy-club, & no vest or...
When the White/Arab Slave Masters Raped, Brutalized, and Mutilated BLK Women the BLK Man was left with one of two options.... 1. Kill that Muthafucka!...(and face a brutal, agonizing death). ...
People who say I'm all about "Negativity;" yall couldn't be more off base. I will admit, most of my Social Media content is rather unpleasant, across all platforms, but that's only because I feel...
Seeking Equality with Whites is absurd cuz if Whites allowed for Equality & surrendered their political/economic/social/cultural/military/psychological advantage they'd loose all of the shit...
Humans who consume meat are not Carnivores, nor are they Omnivores; they are Parasites. Carnivores & Omnivores prey on the sick, weak, injured, and old animal, Carnivores and Omnivores...
Yo! Fuck Waka Flocka! Fuck all of you ABA (Anything But African) fucking Coons! Now he tryna walk back is ignorant as statements while throwing in a little Classism to boot. He think cuz...
Black Feminist refused to admit that Feminism is about Gender Equality, that Feminist have been fighting since the Women's sufferage Movement for equal rights, opportunity, and pay with (White) men!...
Ladies, I got some really bad news for yall: Due to the insidious conspiracy constructed and carried out by the Gay Agenda, and supported by all of you women; to turn us Manly, Macho, Heterosexual...
Look at how Trump's base is holding his dumb ass to task, how they are on him every time he deviates from their agenda, when he falls short, when he tries to compromises with their political...
As far as I know; the Uhuru movement came up with AI cuz they wanted their own isolated segment of the Struggle, its really just about branding and ownership….at the core, I’m sorry to say.I...
Which controversy? The rape allegations?His response (or lack thereof) to the rape allegations?The Tomification of an African Icon?A rift that emerged between Black Feminist & Black Puritans...
Oh hush, tryna disguise your White Deflection as a simple question.Don’t no fucking body “promote” shit about White people, we fucking live under White aggression, under the threat of nuclear...
Just off the dome, this is what I’d recommend…Romero…Lumumba…The Harder They Come…the spook who sat by the door…Sarraounia…Kirikou & the...
#NNSEP : This New Negro is outraged by Black looters, but has no problem being a a lawful, patriotic citizen of a criminal nation on stolen lands. #ExposeIsolateExpell?
Civilization (As the West defines and imposes it) is headed towards collapse, total and permanent collapse; which is a good thing in the long run. Civilization literally means: More people occupying...
Bradley stated that “White Aggression” is the sole cause of their expansion and domination over all other Races. He also stated that Whites had no higher level of civilization, intellect,...
Shiiid, I wish I know, if I had that kinda recall I wouldn’t have to record the show. LOL!Sometimes you can catch the Fb Live recording of the show that didn’t get picked up by the janky...
“If someone hates you, hate em back! It’s healthy!” - Del Jones“You Must hate your enemies.” - Che Guevara Hate is an emotion, I have warned against classifying any emotion as inherently...
Short Answer: I don’t fucking know, I wish I did, but it baffles me too.Lone Answer:There are several White Scholars, Psychologist, Anthropologist, Scientist, and Philosophers that offer insight in...
African-Americans were able to build communities such as Black Wall Street & Rosewood; as well as make great strides in industry and state-craft in the Reconstruction Era because we were engage...
We don’t tote the line, we engage on both fronts simultaneously. We work to Dismantle the Systems and Institutions of White Domination and we work to destroy Class Contradictions and Hierarchies...
The Social Democracies of Western Europe can’t really teach African shit that African don’t already know. They can teach us that White Liberals is as willing to sustain and advance the Systems...
Maxine is truly a tragic figure. She’s kind of a Political Pied Piper for Blacks; here’s how:MW was elected right on the cusp of the Clinton Era, Clinton had a plan to move the Democratic Party...
The Public Has a Right to Know About Atrocities Happening Behind Prison Walls
I never had the opportunity to meet Dr. Wilson, he passed not too long after I moved to NYC, so I didn’t know him personally, but I was well aware of his research and writings. Dr. Phil Valentine,...
How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitlercricketcat9: nevernewyear: kmnml: annetdonahue: youngblackfeminist: valeria2067: glorious-spoon: giandujakiss: So the Smithsonian posted this...
It don’t really mean shit, Racist are always re-branding and reworking their shit; but it’s all the same in the end.The AltRight isn’t an alternative to the mainstream Right, it’s just...
Report: Monsanto Skipped Important Testing On Weed Killer That’s Now Killing Crops
diallokenyatta: First off, the earth has already endured a Nuclear Holocaust. White Nations have been building and exploding Nuclear bombs, creating and spreading nuclear waste since 1945; that was...
Who else supports Slutty Settler Colonialism? Who supports Progressives Militarism? Who supports Gender Neutral Genocide? I don’t even know where to start with this bullshit…., hell, if I have...
Well, TBH it doesn’t really hold up on it’s own.Dr. FCW states that Whites are driven to dominate the world due to their inability to reproduce themselves with other Races, that their genetic...
I couldn’t find it, if you got a copy of it feel free to share, but I got a consolation poem that I’ve never shared. It’s old too.I wanted to write a poem about fans who kidnapped their...
How many ways can you keep asking me the same question Anon?Here we go Again:There is no Gay Agenda targeting the Black Community, I’ve read many off those who make this assertion, but none of it...
I’m an Atheist because there is no evidence of God; the moment someone demonstrates any evidence of God I will no longer be an Atheist. Also, I have to make a minor correction: I’m an...
Saying Goodbye to Glaciers': The Impact of Glacier Retreatphroyd: Click To See Video! Phroyd
Threats, bullying, lawsuits: tobacco industry's dirty war for the African market
The first reports coming out of the shooting stated that the shooter was taken into custody, later that afternoon it was stated that he was killed on the scene; that small discrepancy gives me...
#HandsDownKillerMike! http://pitchfork.com/news/73955-killer-mike-cool-with-bill-maher-after-controversial-remarks/
Forget the Flowers. This Mother's Day, BLM Activists Are Posting Bail for Dozens of "Black Mamas."
First, I’m assuming you are White.? Second, since you White I’m assuming everything else you are saying is an absolute lie.? Third, I hope the sickness that I provoke in you is terminal, cuz you...
North Dakota Has Experienced More Than 700 Oil Spills in The Past Year Aloneshychemist: With the highly controversial Dakota Access Pipeline expected to start operations this week, the latest reports...
Yes. And if they don’t wanna accept that, I just what for White America to learn them.I employed this Sudanese waitress at my Vegan restaurant back in the day, she swore that I wasn’t African,...
I really like Immortal Technique, but I don’t like him using “nigga” in his rhymes, that shit ain’t cool. I didn’t grow up in NYC, and I almost got into a fight when this Puerto Rican...
OK, fine, enjoy your clay. I don’t even remember what I said about eating clay anyway.
What we can learn is that Socialism works, and that even an isolated, surrounded, and besiege little island can endure employing Socialist economic and social programs and policies. But Cuba was not...
I’m not sure what Ali know about the history of Islam in Africa, or if he know about the ongoing Islamic Racism and Imperialism in Africa up to the time of his death. I know the NOI, which brought...
Damn, I don’t know if I should reopen that can of worms cuz he’s been quite so far this season and I don’t want him vandalizing our spaces again…, but then again he’s harassed and...
Oh, it’s totally Ofay Bullshit!It ain’t nothing be a rebranded Atkins Diet; a bullshit fad, nothing more. Especially if you Black, we ain’t and never were cavemen; so why we tryna eat like...
I think she was the best candidate, with the best political platform, running for the best party in the 2017 presidential race.I think Black people should have voted for Jill Stein, and all other...
Asili is the seed from which any particular culture is spawned, nurtured, and cultivated. The people, environment, and timeline of an identified people; absent of or prior to alien influences. The...
No, the Brexit is as Racist, Xenophobic, and Jingoistic deep down as it appears to be on the surface.The only reason people are surprised by Brexit is because they don’t teach the History and...
It is essentially impossible to built eco friendly cars, motorbikes, trucks, or airplanes. Even if you manage to fuel them using bio-fuels, electric batteries, or hydrogen cells. Over 7 gallons of...
Mainstream Media Finally Exposes Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Philfelix2001a: jerseydeanne: wageronliberty: anarcho-individualist: getinvolvedyoulivehere: I wasn’t expecting...
I wish you’d just come outta the closet and stop trying to work out your struggles with your sexual and racial identity on my blog, Anon. SMH.I’m personally anti-Homosexual, thus all the sex...
Yes. But you know what’s worse than Genghis Khan’s crimes; John Wayne playing Genghis Khan in YellowFace.
It depends, am I a dictator, a president with two co-equal branches to contend with, am I a prime minister who has to build a governing coalition?What I’d do as a head of state is the same, but how...
I don’t really understand this “White Ally” shit. Sorry.Maybe yall Liberals can help me.First of all, if I don’t know nothing about alliances I know that they are MUTUAL; all...
Yes, I mean White and off-White people; but those people from Western Europe seem to have a leg up on even their Asian cousins when it comes to Hyper-Aggression.But to be fair, there were White...
The biggest impending threat is Global Warming and Climate Instabity; which will lead to food shortages, further contamination of the air and water, and an exacerbation of all standing conflicts in...
Damn, this shows how far behind in answering my blog questions I am. SMH.But yeah, there are ongoing atrocities commited aginst Africans everyday on US soil, but they only give national media...
Well, Whites were not just fighting for Independence back in 1776, they were fighting over the control of a Genocidal Colony. The war for Independence was not a way of Liberation, it was thieves...
I heard about it, I thinks it’s cool, but greatly inadequate; Africa should have a common currency, a unified military, a secured African trade bloc. Africa should have already reintegrated its...
A people should be lead by their vision and mission, that’s it.Who is the Leader of America? Who’s the Leader of Europe? Who’s the Leader of the Zionist Movement? Who’s the Leader of...
That’s particularly easy; Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Minority groups have built institutional power, secured control of resources, and erected infrastructure within larger (and hostile) Systems...
I don’t hate White people, if you look at history the greatest and most consistent threat to White people are other White people. Why do yall hate each other so much? Why have White people...
Until the White Colonial nations give true autonomy and full reparations to Africa and the African Diaspora everything they do will crumble, including the weak ass European Union and the Euro Zone.
Here’s the core truth: The EU was all about Germany doing economically what Hitler failed to do military: domination of Western Europe, the UK people don’t understand this, they just voted to...
You’ll notice that all abusers work to portray their victims as being the cause of the abuse; wife beaters, rapist, pedophiles, and capitalist swear that their victims had it coming, that their own...
Well, Detroit hasn’t been fucked up for a long time, it has actually fallen off within a single human lifespan. In 1960 Detroit was literally the richest city in America! No lie, look it up; I...
shihtzuman: The rules would have required giant internet providers to adopt reasonable security measures and to notify customers when data breaches...
On the Milo Bus With the Lost Boys of America’s New Right
The world’s top researcher on addiction is Gabor Mate, he’s determined that addiction has less to do, if nothing to do with the drug or substance people are addicted to but social and internal...
First of all (in my Kevin Hart voice); you don’t have to make assumptions when there is evidence available. It would be obvious if I sold-out, espcially in the context of the Bro. Diallo Show.I...
Well, there’s a few reasons. The main reason Haiti is poor because Haiti is the Capital of African Diasporic Struggle, and therefore will not be allowed to form a sovereign government, develop...
The Elites are experiencing an internal class war and Heelary and Buba Trump are their clubs they are using to bash each other; all the rest of us are just collateral. This is a simplified...
There was an old joke about how Black people didn’t know there was a Great Depression until they say Wall Street raining White men. But there’s a more accurate saying from that era the...
Yep. Integrationist & Reactionary.So far, but the Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army grew out of Integrationist Movements like the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and the Student...
It’s funny, when Sa Neter used to sell VHS taps on a fold out table in Harlem he used to have some of my lectures; but since he went online I think the nature of his content changed. It’s more...
If you are disappointed in Seti or Umar then you haven’t been paying close enough attentions to them; their demagoguray has never been hidden. They been behaving this way since they emerged on...
Heelary is White.Trump is Orange.Heelary is a polished Fascist, Racist servant of White Elites.Trump is an unpolished Fascist, Racist servant of White Elites. Heelary is aligned with the New White...
They ain’t pro-life, they are anti-White-Women-Abortions. I don’t know why they don’t just admit that shit and stop being the lying ass, hypocritical, contradictory muthfuckas that they are.
As much as I hate how many Black youth are having their minds destroyed by the Religious Indoctrination, I wouldn’t go to a youth pastor in a Christian Church & object to what they are doing....
I ain’t never seen or heard of it, sorry.
The (unwritten) Law and Practices dictate that all things created by a Slave is Property of their Master. So, when a people are enslaved, their time, talents, and resources need to be given over to...
Short Answer: Yes. I don’t believe or condone it, but that’s the reality. Labor is a commodity. Expansion:Under Capitalism everything is a commodity, or commodified.Separating People from...
Disclaimer: I say all of this as a fan of Common from day one, I still got my “Can I Borrow a Dollar” CD in rotation.I didn’t listen to his freestyle on the Sway show, or whatever. I ain’t...
There was no genocide in Rwandan, one could call it Fratricide; killing of one’s own brothers and sisters. The Hutus and the Tutsis are the same damn people, they had been intermarrying, and...
The simple answer is: I’m not a Reactionary, I’m a Revolutionary. But I don’t think it’s fair to put Essex and Dorner in the same box. Even if I went on an armed rampage I would never be a...
White women should, Trump is they fault. It’s not a mess that our Sisters are responsible for cleaning up.
How soon? The blood bath in the United States started in 1620! You late.Or maybe you want to know when you will be directly and personally impacted or harmed by the violence needed to establish and...
Howard Zinn stated that; “you can’t be neutral on a speeding train,” and I agree with him. Also, Kwame Ture stated that “if someone is attacking your mother, and you fail to take sides,...
Yes, IQ is some Racist, Eugenicist, White bullshit. I wasted a week or two of my life reading “The Bell Curve,” and even in that text they had to admit that IQ test were bullshit. They...
The earth has many infectious diseases (like Capitalism, White Domination, Ecocide, etc) that would spread to other planets and star systems if we did manage to colonize other worlds. So I think we...
I have absolutely no issue with Africans embracing their own myths, folklore, dogmas, and fables. You are correct that all Native African Spiritual Systems are contaminated by Western and Islamic...
Tired old retorts. Those aren’t that New Negro’s own views; he’s just regurgitating his indoctrination, it’s really no point in trying to debate such a terminal Negro. Negros like that do...
This is a little confusing, I have an alternative lifestyle: I’m Vegan, my wife and I home-birth and “home” school our children, we use bikes a a major form of conveyance, we grow much of our...
It certainly looks that way. I think Jeru the Damaja put it best when he said: “mock my appearance yet yearn for my essence.”
It’s the nature of the Immigrant, no matter where they go to “establish” themselves. No matter their Race.If you looks at Blacks from the US who move and live abroad they are more educated,...
China had a Communist Revolution which allowed China to oust the Imperialist, educate its population, and industrialize the nation, but it did not construct a Communist economy or political system....
Cuz it validates Capitalism and White Domination. The corporate Western media seeks to show Africans as unfit or incapable of self-governance, show African nations as impoverished and unable to get...
I think they some lying ass muthafuckas. Most Black who talk that shit because their social or economic standing depends on them pretending to not see Race or color; and who am I to knock their...
Ayn Rand was a grade-A sociopath who managed to turn her sociopathy into an incoherent social theory and ideology. Individualsim is a toxic Western fiction. The individual is a product of the...
Not really, cuz such a thing could be accomplished politically, economically, and culturally right now; so why resort to arms when simple coordination, planning, and organization will suffice?I have...
Is it just me, or does this super emotional, hyper-aggresive conflict between the General & the Prince have strong homoerotic undertones? I spent the entire summer beefing with this dude, face to...
People think you should respect religion because they are socialized and indoctrinated into the notion that certain delusions and fictions carry as much weight as evidence and reality. Religious...
I ride with the late Dr. John Henrik Clarke on this issue; he stated that Africa should be under African governance, and anyone who has an issue with African governance over Africa should be shown...
Yeah, Dr. Bobby E. Wright all of this scientific and historical analysis and condensed it into a pamphlet sized text called “The Psychopathic Racial Personality.” Every Black person should have...
I was accused of bullying Ro Elori Cunto one time. I was simply sharing her insane post and memes; I didn’t even know who the hell she was at the time, that shit just cracked me up, it was so...
You question kinda cuts off at the end…As far as Chinweizu, all of his text are magnificent (except for “The Anatomy of Female Power,” that shit was bugged, interesting, but bugged); but...
If I woke up with a billions of dollars; first thing I’d do is buy that pair of Vegan faux leather boots my wife been lusting after for like a year now, and a used XboX One with a used copy of...
blackfemmerealness: couplelookingforher2: theproblackgirl: Pictured: Sheneque Proctor, 18 years old at the time of her deathA young African American woman from Brighton, Alabama recently died in...
I’m assuming you are asking why we suffer from a lack of historical analysis and cultural consciousness.The truth is, Black people have a depth of analysis and consciousness that ebbs and flows but...
I’m waiting for Trump to order the first drone bombing, to detain and lock up an immigrant family in a for-profit detention center, to assassinate a US citizen without trial, to ignore or...
Yall remember that #YouGoodMan bullshit, when people started the fallacy that Black men don’t express their woes, pain, and sorrow. When they started talking about how Black people don’t...
Americans are literally protesting the fact that they are moving from being governed by polished, Capitalist, warmongering, Racist, Fascist to being governed by naked, Capitalist, warmongering,...
Integrationist Activist and New Negro Organizations had Black folks in the streets demanding bodycams and dashcams for all US police officers.Now, them Negros was calling for this because they...
Question: why all of these populations and cults of Black people promote the idea that the original Native Americas, the original Arabs, the original Asians, and even the original Europeans were...
Wow, do people love socialism, militant anti-imperialism, & African Solidarity as much as they love Fidel Castro?If not why exactly am I seeing all of this love for Castro on social media? Cuz I...
If the global White Elites woke up Black in the morning we’d have a New Negro World Revolution on our hands by tomorrow afternoon.Much Black submission & passivity to White Domination is...
One of the main reasons the Cuban Revolution was successful & it’s leaders endured was because Castro, Che, and the Socialist leadership gathered up and ousted all of the damn Cuban Uncle...
There’s this practice developed during the Maafa called “Dancing the Slaves.”The European Invaders, Colonizers, Enslaver, and Slave Ship Captains found that you needed to allow your...
Why when you are critiquing the dietary practices of Black people in the USofA, and promoting Veganism among our people these damn bone sucking, gristle chewing, bile sipping, flesh rendering fools,...
diallokenyatta: Black Puritans love going on about abortion, and I know it’s just another opportunity to blame Black women, especially poor, under serviced, and under resourced Black women for the...
Obama pardoned his final White turkey this week while our Black freedom fighters are still in prison or living in exile under constant threat from US intelligence agencies.The bulk of Presidential...
Whites have been unloading the blame for the ills of Western/White society on Jews long before the first Pilgrim murdered his first Native or raped his first African.It goes all the way back to the...
eyemodernist: El Molo Hut, Lake Turkana, Kenya Classical architecture consists of mostly Euclidean or flat shapes and straight lines (bricks, boards, pitched roofs etc). Fractal Architecture consists...
Listen you sexist Yurugu, you are barking up the wrong tree, I ain’t crying about Trump’s victory, I know Trump & Heelary were cut from the same cloth and serve the same agendas.You know,...
Trump is Obama’s legacy, if you wanna blame anyone blame Obama.Obama was elected with a mandate, and we also gave him a Democratic majority in the house and senate. Obama also entered office...
Naw.The Systems and Institutions of White Domination and Omnicidal Capitalism are global, so there’s not where to run to, there is no sanctuary on this earth. There is not one piece of land, not...
Obama is in a position to free all political prisoners (and drug offenders are political prisoners).He could allow Assata Shakur, Pete O'Neil, Edward Snowden and many others return to the US with...
Yep, I called for Heelary. Heelary did win the election but she was robbed, but that’s just poetic justice because the same tactics she used against Bernie in the Primary were used against her in...
Don’t simply denounce Heelary’s Black supporters as brainwashed, blind, fearful, or unconscious; it’s so much more complex that that.It’s really important to understand this...
Heelary is not a Faux Feminist, she is the real face of Feminism, she represents the real mission and predictable outcomes of Feminism.Feminism, despite all of its analysis, rhetoric, and promises is...
All these people here lamenting Boo! A Madea Halloween being the #1 movie in America while BOAN not reaching its expected earnings out the gate, these people really expect us to believe that if BOAN...
How can I have a competent response condensed to fit in the little blog box they allow me here? SMH.1. We need a Global Pan-African Revolution because Oppression and Ecocide is Global, it’s not...
Man, I ain’t really followed Booker T. since he was giving lectures for the UAM (United African Movement) in Harlem; that was way back in the late-90s and early 2000s. I don’t really follow the...
I know the Gullah Wars are still going on, I know that. They just moved from using muskets, cannons, and troops to using economic displacement and Racist public policies. Oh, and the White...
Shit, I really need to set a date for my text. It come out, one day….soon.As for Willful Ignorance, the best way to combat it is to change the fundamental material circumstances and...
Politics is way more important than science. Politics determine the level of investment in science, the direction of scientific research and development, the implementation of science, the...
Police enforce the Status Quo not laws, justice, or morality. If you are not opposing, obstructing, & dismantling the dominant Status Quo you are not truly addressing Police Atrocities. We now...
But it’s ironic that Desmond Tutu’s punk-ass would say that shit since he’s a fucking Catholic Bishop, and his treasonous ass supported and oversaw the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,...
That’s Africom, which is just an offshoot of PNAC.The US and it’s Western/White allies are well past their first steps to full-fledged re-colonization of Africa. You have to research the PNAC...
SMH. Your tough talk kinda losses its bite when you are trolling behind the Anon dude. I don’t actually whine, it just sounds like whining cuz you lack the capacity for critical thinking and...
Well, I share their sentiment, fuck that Arabized African, fucking glutton. #FuckMansaMusaOh, and if you got a link to that info, please share it with me. Thanks.
Protest. March.Pray.Submit.Pick Cotton.Snitch on Rebels. Just like we did last time. SMH. Just like we do now. SMH.
I think he’s dead.I’ve answered this question already, search my blog archive.
No, 9/11 was a False Flag SCAD (State Crime Against Democracy); at least that’s what all of the known evidence and research points to.The judgement against Iran for 10 billion dollars for 9/11...
Shit, man, that’s a books worth of shit; I’ll just give you 3 of each to keep it as short as possible.Castro’s Successes:1. Playing the Nuclear Powers off of each other: Castro was masterful...
I’m not a Fan.Senghor was the prototypical Neocolonialist leader. He took over the apparatus of the Colonial State, sustained the Western ideological and institutional practices, and failed to...
“I have listen…”: That’s improper verb agreement, you should have said “I have listened….” If you were listening while you sent this Hater-Ass message, you should have...
White Aggressors need to be labeled #RepeatRaceOffenders, and be#RegisteredRaceOffenders, and have no direct contact with non-Whites without direct & monitored supervision of armed Black men and...
First of all (in my Kevin Hart voice), muthafucka, you know damn well your ass is White. Talking about “African ones,” Black people don’t talk like that about themselves or each other. You...
I reject and work against Individualism. Individualism is very real.Individualist are human emotional/material parasites.Individualism is the ideology or mental defect of people who extract from...
Well, I know enough about genetics to use em to pissed off White dudes on the Internet. Haha, be mad, fuck you; wit cho neanderthal genes spliced with smelly dog DNA? & rapid ageing sequences?.
Good fucking question! Seriously.This is a hard one, so I gotta make a List. 1. Who has Colonized, Committed Genocide, and Invaded every populated landmass on the face of the earth: Whites.2. Who has...
I think White Aggression has a both biological and deep seeded cultural component; but not Racism.Racism is just one of many manifestations of White Aggression. The first victims of White...
Western Civilization as just another Imperialist myth like Christian Piety, American Democracy, Capitalist Prosperity, Trump’s Genius, and Heelary Clinton’s Progressiveness. (Yes, I know that...
I think it’s better for Europeans to fight against Global White Domination and Capitalism in Europe because they have more mobility, access, opportunity, and coverage. From a strategic stand...
1. Because I’m not talented enough to play pro-sports or secure a lucrative record deal. JK! Naw, but in reality, I was groomed from a young age by the Black women who raised me to be seek,...
Here’s a picture of me in a shirt that reflects my thoughts on Donald Trump.www.africanworldorder.com
Black Nationalism is/or is supposed to be rooted in the African Cultural Asili, which is essential humane and ecological; like most other non-Western culture.White Nationalist is rooted in the...
No, Black People cannot be Racist.White People that call Black Racist are engaged in Psychological Projection.
No, I’ve thankfully have never had to struggle with depression. Seeing and being a victim of oppression enrages me, saddens me, but it also drives and motivates me; but I has never depressed me.I...
the-real-eye-to-see: That clearly sounds like discrimination #AbolishWageSlavery
Well, I’m sure the King of Pop would have wanted it that way. MJ didn’t want to be Black, or perpetuate Black either.MJ rejected Blackness, and only returned to being Black or acknowledging...
Cuz you muthafuckas got everyone’s shit, the Wealth of Western Europe, America, Canada, Australia, and the client states of the Western Empires are the direct result of centuries of theft,...
Because the service they give to the Status Quo, to the Global Elites, to the Empire is very valuable. All entertainers ain’t paid. I know many working class artist, entertainers, and athletes,...
Obama was great for Israel, Weapons Manufactures, the Auto Industry, the International Bankers, Wall Street (Institutional Investors), the Saudi Royal Family, the Tech Monopolies, For-Profit...
There have been many Revolutionary presidents. Revolutions are not inherently progressive, you can have repressive, Racist, White Nationalist, Theocratic, and even Capitalist Revolutions. Which...
I’m assuming that most of your questions are rhetorical, and I don’t agree with all of your assertions disused as questions, but I do agree with some.Tell you what, since you naming names, repost...
I don’t bicker or debate with White Nationalist (unless I’m using them as a soundboard to drive home a point to a larger more relevant audience), because no matter how many facts, how many Black...
I stand in total and absolute opposition to White people adopting Black children. Whites have a consistent and unbroken pattern of predatory behavior towards Black people, therefore they should be...
Shit, I’m scare they’d fuck it up if they remade it, they would have Oprah producing it, have Tyler Perry directing, and have Kevin Hart playing the lead role. Fuck that shit. They keep...
Your meat consumption isn’t just about your personal taste, if you consume meat you are needlessly contributing to the destruction of entire ecosystems, the needless slaughter of billions of...
In all my years of study I have not found one instance in history where White people have encountered other, or outside cultures, races, nations and did not embark on a campaign of conquest,...
Yes I’m familiar with HBD, it’s Racist bullshit, it more pseudoscience, which White Racist have been engaged in for centuries. Whites have been trying to excuse the world-wide ongoing...
I’m not really sure what you are talking about. Many institutions that appear to be AA on the surface like the NAACP, HBCUs, or the Black Church are not actually AA, they are White Institution...
Black Immigrants simply need to join or organize Revolutionary Pan-Africanist Organizations in their adopted nations, plus all the stuff I listed in the previous response.Black Immigrants when they...
1. Embrace Pan-Africanism.2. Reject Colonial Borders.3. Reject Capitalism.4. Reject Tribalism.5 . Reject Christianity.6. Reject Islam.7. Embrace the African Diaspora.8. Reject...
Really? That’s what you come back with. I gave you a W.R.I.T. Score of 8.5, & this is the gratitude I get? SMH. Revised W.R.I.T. Score : 4 : Below Average.
First off, there is no such thing as White Supremacy, I actually rant, bitch; or as I like to call it; expose, critique, expose, and oppose White Domination, White Aggression, and White Pathology. ...
A Black woman asked me: “What is rape?” (She also said some other stuff about “regret sex,” false accusations, and other shit.) My response was harsh, but I don’t regret...
Black Puritans / Toxic Black Nationalist / Afro-Sexist: be all like… Black children impoverished, malnourished, & sexually abused all over the word = silence, no agenda, no outrage. Rich Black...
If our parent’s, uncle’s, and aunt’s generation survived Little Richard I’m sure our children, nephews, and nieces will survive Young Thug. It annoys me that we are literally...
Just imagine if the White man conspired to destroy Black Manhood through entrenching sexism, misogyny, & an open hostility towards femininity within Black men. What if the best way to do that...
Why do people talk about their Rights when engaged by the police?This is a serious question, like, am I the only person who understands that the U.S. Constitution is just window dressing?I mean, you...
To be fair, it ain’t just Black folks, and I don’t mean to be on some #AllIlliteratesMatter shit when you asked me about Black people specifically, but I think this is relevant.The US is now a...
I went through the D.A.R.E. program, and I got me a “Just Say No” button at the end of it. SMH. You right about NR and her husband being some evil ass muthafuckas. I thought those Trap Queen...
STEM is trending because Black people have been indoctrinated to serve the needs, comforts, and interest of White people since we were enslaved by White people. We have come to measure our humanity...
Ronnie Ray-Gun (as Gil Scot Heron called him) was a B-list celebrity who was assigned the role of POTUS by the elites in the early 1980s. By the time he won his second term he had already shown...
Yes, the creation, propagation, and treatment of HIV and AIDS are full of myths and distortions, not just among Black LGBTQ but among all Africans across the globe. Also, since the 80s the Western...
“The (White) schools and universities can train us, they can give us the skills we need, but they cannot education us, education must come from your community, (from your own culture).” - Bobby...
A Revolution Deferred: Mandela’s Legacy & the ANC’s Treason.
Shit, I hate to say this….but….Naw, it ain’t essential. Now, before you report me to the Coon Police just allow me to explain my view. There was a time when Africans only spoke African...
I know this response is way late, but Bernie could never out Pander Heelary cuz the Clintons been pimping the Black votes since 1992. Bernie’s “ghetto” comment didn’t matter one way or...
From a radical point of view, you want to go to the source of the trauma, not just target the symptoms of trauma. The sources of our Trauma are the Systems & Institutions of Global White...
I was called a “pussy” today (online). It has been a really long time since this has happened, like over a decade. I thought we were embracing the Black Feminist & Africanan Womanist...
Serena and Venus Williams lose first-ever Olympic doubles matchThe Ancestors have spoken!!!The Williams Sisters, and all other African Athletes need to heed my call...
Do about what? Oppression? Poverty? Education? Health & Wellness? That’s kind of a vague question. There are solutions; but what problems are you asking about specifically? I’ll just...
How long did the cops and Feds wait during the Bundy Ranch standoff and the Oregon standoff, while facing down White men armed with military grade weapons and openly threatening the authorities?...
LOL! It’s funny cuz I was just telling someone I don’t come from Skinny. My people are big people. I don’t really strive to be skinny, I don’t watch my weight or none of that. I walk a...
No, Racism is relatively new to the world, most of human history advanced without Racism.Now, there will always be prejudice, xenophobia, and bias; but the Institutional Power needed to erect and...
I think so, and the Western Imperialist Powers agree with me; or else why would they invest so much time and resources in suppressing Haiti’s people?I also agree that we need community, regional,...
If 1% can rule and oppress the rest while holding the majority of the world’s wealth and resources under their direct control, why the hell are we always complaining about and using “lack...
If there was such a thing as “Good Cops” there would be thousands of corrupt police officers tried or incarcerated after being reported, detained, and arrested by other officers. Show me...
There is no White Genocide, not even according to the White definition of Genocide, which is pretty stupid.Now, Whites are victims of Fratricide; because the only existential threat to White people...
That’s because the Revolution wasn’t/iisn’t over. The Oppressive powers that Castro, Mugabe, and Kim Il Sung fought are not only still standing, they are still on the offensive against these...
Actually, NYC is still home to the biggest criminals on the planet; the Wall Street Banksters, Hedge Fund Parasites, and the amoral bureaucrats of the United Nations. These are the...
He’s Bayard Rustin reincarnated. That means that we’ve progressed enough that a Gay Black man can openly lead a movement, instead of employing a figurehead like Rustin had to do with King. It...
David Duke is not a problem, and not worthy of our fear or focus. We long learned how to deal with Open, Honest, and Blatant Racist. We’ve long took to knocking the shit outta White dudes like...
1. Blood In My Eye by George Jackson2. The Community of Self by Dr. Naim Akbar3. Carlos Cooks & Black Nationalism: From Garvey to Malcolm by Robert Harris4. The Falsification of Afrikan...
Anarchy!!! : aka: Peace, Balance, Justice, Humanity, Africanity, Self-Rule.
If your travel, consumption, and dietary standards have not changed; if your resource generation and distribution methods have not changed; and the nature of your interpersonal relationships are...
When the Zionist were under attack Obama stated that he respected and supported their right to self-defense; while giving them the largest military aid package in history.Obama negotiated and signed...
When you hear Black people talk about “things are gonna get worse for us,” as a result of the Reactionary Violence of the past weeks, just know that what they are really saying...
You putting words in my mouth, I challenge you to find any place I’ve written or stated that I get angry when “Whites want to live in their own neighborhoods.I have no desire to live among...
Things can only be made right by dismantling the Systems and Institutions of Global White Domination (GWD) and Capitalism; it’s so simple, yet seemingly impossible because we all refuse to simply...
Africa is a massive continent, with hundreds of civilizations. There are over 1500 distinct languages spoken there; the social and class stratifications were very diverse across nations and tribes...
Qaddafi was an opportunist, but a sincere opportunist; if such a creature is possible. He started off as a Libyan Nationalist, then he graduated to Pan-Arabism; and after he was rejected by the other...
There is no such thing as a Jewish homeland…., or a Christian homeland, or Islamic homeland. There’s no legitimate Religions claim to any land. Biblical prophecy is fiction, just like...
I’m so sick of hearing about “the talk” Negros claim they are giving their children about police. So sick. Talk to Black youth about the Systems and Institutions of White Domination and...
Why are descendants of enslaved Africans fighting to purge images and remembrance of the enslavement of our Ancestors?(http://www.cnn.com/…/yale-employee-shatters-window-images-…/)I think the...
1. Jews didn’t liberate themselves, the Communist defeated the Nazis and liberated them. The Western Imperial Powers armed and supported them in their invasion and colonization of...
SMH. “A Jew lawyer?” Really?I kinda wish you had posed this question with a serious tone, and not came off as a bigoted asshole pretending to be Black. If you are White; you got your little...
I disagree, I don’t think the Black community needs any Dorners, at all, ever.Dorner was a Black man raised around all Whites, who embraced the dominant culture and wanted the serve this oppressive...
Gentrification is Ethenic Cleansing. The forced movement of populations through economic manipulations, public policy, or force of arms is an act of Genocide.The US has been herding Black people...
Great, I’m sure she will appreciate all of that.I intend to vote for Jill Stein and encourage anyone else who intend to vote in the general elections to vote Green as well.
If you wanna see Yurugu, just look in the mirror; and if you wanna deeper understanding of Yurugu, which is you, read this book. (I know you won’t read this book, wit cho functionally literate...
It is a myth, a pathological denial of history to assert that Black people secured Civil Rights, reforms, and concessions from the US government through non-violence, sit-ins, peaceful protest, and...
All these males out here talking about “Black women are Queens,” still treat them like peasants.All these males out here talking about “the Black women is God,” must be...
Short Answer: No. Because we who embody and live out these ideas and concepts don’t really give a fuck about what those who don’t embrace and live them think. We ain’t just Woke, Pro-Black, and...
That’s because Whites have not only waged a relentless and genocidal wars of conquest, enslavement, and genocide against Black people’s lands and bodies, they have waged a relentless assault...
Yes you can, absolutely. I’m sure you’ll be glad or saddened to know that you don’t even need to be White to be a White Supremacist. There are many non-Racist, Liberal, Progressive,...
Who even knew that local police forces had bomb equipped mobile drones? Do they have aerial drones equipped with bombs as well? The Posse Comitatus Act forbids the US military from enforcing laws...
Here’s the link. Thanks for tuning in & supporting the show. www.zeroto100radio.com
Oh, wow, where do I start; I’ll try to keep this simple and use single as many single syllable words as possible to that you can keep up.1. Whites spent more time enslaved and colonized by other...
You musta missed my write up on SJWs (http://diallokenyatta.tumblr.com/search/social+justice+warrior)The short answer is: I don’t know, I’m not a SJW, nor do I know any SJWs, or if I do they hide...
That’s a good question….about Respect, why have Whites fought, not one, but two continent spanning wars where they killed hundreds of millions of other Whites? Why have Whites, in their...
The desperation and irrationality of Western Culture and Global White Elites is not a good indicator of their eventual or inevitable demise. This System has been in a constant state of crisis,...
I think Moors, Moorish Science, and the overall movement is utter nonsense. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but I’m kinda tired of tip-toeing around these topics and issues. It’s one of many Black...
I have not read that text, but I would like to if I could secure a copy. It’s been on my To Read List for a few years, but I have an extensive list of text to get to; and even though I read a...
Anarchism will be the ultimate outcome of the proper implementation of Socialism. Socialism will be the ultimate outcome of the proper implementation of Pan-Africanism.People think that Anarchy means...
To be fair, Obama didn’t rescue any small or community banks; the bailout was only for the megabanks, the multinational banks.Obama didn’t save the Black owned, or other small community banks...
I’m sure you’ve come and gone by now. Sorry. I gotta a back long on my blog’s Q&A feed. If you are sending time sensitive questions try going non-Anon, I try to get to those first....
The Jury is still out on what went down in Orlando. I never accept the official line or corporate media reporting on any event or issue. It’s truly a tragedy, and people need time to...
Based on my interactions with Africans in Europe; they seek integration as a whole, but there are many Radical, Revolutionary, and Pan-Africanist elements and organizers in Western Europe as there...
Indoctrination runs so deep that even enlightened Americans embrace and articulate the ideology of American exceptionalism; even the Liberals, Progressives, and even so-called Radicals. People keep...
Yeah, this is vague, too vague. I have not idea what song you are referring, and I ain’t about to search that muthafucka’s music to find out which song you are asking about. To me, none of...
Socialism and Communism are related, but they are not the same. I’m asked about Socialism a lot, I’ve been asked this same question more than once, so I’ll just share my archives on the...
Eastern European countries just recently became Capitalist during the early 1990s, they don’t have the imperial infrastructure to engage in exploitation of Africa or any other nations, most of them...
Well, Asia and Asians are very diverse, ethnically, phenotypically, and culturally. So cultures are xenophobic, some are not. Many of them were not inherently xenophobic but have been driven to...
No. If Whites didn’t become more sympathetic while committing historical atrocities, why would we imagine that they, as a collective would become more sympathetic reviewing those atrocities?Also,...
Just imagine if we focused as hard on the level of Competency, Effectiveness, and Accountability of Leading Blacks as we put into who they were having sex with.We don’t need saints, holy men,...
The oppressed have banded together to fight White Domination. In Haiti the Africans, Natives, and even landless White peasants allied. The VietCong had global support, including form the Black...
I think you kinda answered you own question. The Ottomans were enslavers and colonist who were not better than Europeans. Dr. John Henrik Clarke often spoke on the tendency of Africans to imagine...
Thank you.You are referring to commentary on our radio program; so I’ll share the site so folks can check our live show or the archives. (http://zeroto100radio.com/the-revolution)Thanks for...
I don’t think sex and sexualization are the problem in poly relationships; even though sex, or more accurately Westernization of Sex (commercialization and commodification of sex) are a big issue...
There’s something that’s really been bugging me, buggin the shit outta me.I keep seeing people post about the disparities between how the US government and society is responding to the...
Snoop Dogg Calls for Roots Boycott: 'They Just Want to Keep Showing the Abuse That We Took'I’ve noticed a lot of New Negroes are mad about all the “slavery movies,” now even Snoop...
Integration and Integrationist leaders and organization have undue influence over out thinking and actions because our oppressors have been promoting reformist and Integrationism within Black...
First off, I want to thank you for listening to the show; please help us get the word out and support us so that we can continue with Keeping It 100: www.zeroto100radio.com. Let’s be clear, you...
It’s play off season, and yet again I don’t see Black women buggin out about the amount of time, emotion, energy, and money Black men are putting into watching other men chase balls for...
That’s an easy question: Tulsa, OK aka; Black Wall Street was so successful because they practiced Group and Communal Economics. They pooled their resources, they recycled not only their currency...
Yes, they are wrong; Racist run the full gambit of human intelligence, from absolute idiot to genius. One of the smartest Racist, who taught the White Elites how to suppress Black Militancy and...
Short Answer:No.Long Answer:First, Slavery is not universal, no more universal than God and Religion. Just as you find wide variation in religion, and culture, you find wide variations...
Science, or more specifically the Scientific Method is a tried and proven means of developing, testing, and answering questions and inquiries. That’s all.There is no rational person who would...
Yep, you right.Also, progressives need to focus on why so many imperialist politicians and multinational corporations lend so much support to the LGBTQAI Movement. If I started getting funding and...
Damn, since you forced me into a strict pro or anti position, then I’d have to go with pro-homosexuality. Now, even though you posed this question and restrictive parameters for answering the...
Now, my great grandmother warned me to “stay up outta White folks business, and tend to your own,” and heeding this sage advice has greatly served me in my political and organizational life.But...
Based on what I know, Dr. York is a ego maniacal sexual predator; which seems to be a very common trait among charismatic cult leaders form all Race. Of course I don’t base this conclusion on the...
No, but the US and GB have a common ownership, which are the Central Bankers who own the debt of both nations.
No, the real doom of Europe is coming from the White European Elites; the biggest threat to the White masses has always been the White Elites, and it is the White Elites who orient and indoctrinate...
Any books that informs and enriches you is a self-help text in my view; but I do have a few that can be classified as self-help specifically:Dr. Naim Akbar.Dr. Marimba Ani.Dr. Obari Cartman.I also...
The Free Market is pure fiction.The reason Conservatives and Libertarians; which are just polite ways to say White Racist and White Nationalist, they reasons the Sons of Bitches are so into the Free...
Word. I have to remind people that Europeans were already well experienced in Invasions, Colonization, Mass Murder, Enslavement, Systematic Rape, and all that other shit long before they reached...
I’ve read Mein Kampf, The Turner Diaries, The Eternal Jew, Civil War II: The Coming Break Up of America, The Bell Curve, The White Man’s Bible, etc. I’ve also read all that White Nationalist...
He’s an immense talent, the kinda talent that only comes along once or twice a generation; but he be on way too much New Negro bullshit for me to admire him beyond his artistic/acting ability....
Earning, spending, and and needing cash dose not make you a Capitalist. Money has been around long before Capitalism, and I suspect that money or some other medium of exchange will be here long after...
Thanks. Wow, the question shows how far behind I am in getting to my blog questions; I will try to do at least one a day from here forward.Anywhay, I’ll share a link to the post you are reffering...
I don’t hear that title tossed around too often in my circles, it’s kinda a White Thing, but I do understand why Right Wingers like to mock and demean titles, concept, and efforts aimed at...
Activism is an inappropriate response to an Act of War.Integration is an inappropriate response to Racial Exclusion.Marching is an inappropriate response to ongoing Atrocities.Working Harder is an...
Alexander was not the start of White Supremacy, or as I prefer to call it; White Domination.Alexander, even though he controlled a wide range of territory was still regional despot governing a...
Yes. But it’s secular meditation: deep thought, contemplation, and reflection; none of that out-of-body, otherworldly shit.
I so wish the Carthaginians had ultimately defeated the Romans during the Punic Wars.I think history would not have been too different if our ancestors won the war, however. A Carthage victory would...
I’ve answered this one more than once; check this link & and you can’t secure a satisfactory answer from these previous post, the pose the question again, and I will answer it...
Ohhhh…..ouch! The Pain!!! That hurt me so much, you totally got me! You know how much I hate Mansa Musa, and the overall impact he’s had on African history, and you Anonymously forcing me...
Well, history has an abundance of insight for us; and it all points to this: The masses of all Races will go along with the program once the winners have fully secured and consolidated power.A...
Well, I’m academically qualified (I got degrees and certifications), but I’m not ideologically qualified. In US academia and education ideological qualifications are more important than...
Yes, they do, but even though Africans of the Diaspora have less (economic, cultural, natural) resources to dismantle Global White Domination, we too have more than what we would need to also...
No, Wall Street is one of many Systems and Institutions of Global White Domination. Wall Street works with Western Academia, Western Armies, Western NGOs, Western Think Tanks, Western...
If that pisses you off, check this: AirBnB host just got busted discriminating against Black customers, the investigators found that Black AirBnB host were just as likely as White AirBnB host to...
Yes I am.Diop blows me a way, he was truly a polymath. He was a scientist, historian, statesman, administrator, professor, anthropologist, and liberationist.I regret I can’t read his works in...
Well it all depends on where you look.The Black community’s overall understanding of the Systems and Institutions of White Domination is better, and our sensitivity to the symbols and rituals...
Neoliberalism means: New Liberalism. LOL! (Sorry, about that, but my homie Black Star tells people I’m not a funny dude, so I like to prove him wrong.)Neoliberalism is a return to the nightmare...
I see people of faith always posting these “Thank the Lord,” or “Praise be to Allah,” or “In the name of Yah,” type post, which I don’t really have a problem...
All you Negros out here talmbout: “I’s votin fah Hillary cuz I sho dun wan Trump tah be prezzident,” sound like fucking Abject Slaves!Yall sound like the kinda Slave who’s run...
I’m watching it now, my homie just sent me a link so I can see it. He wants us to cover it on our radio program; if you wanna tune in and hear my take on it, here’s the...
Yo, yo, yo!!!Something just came to me.All you macho, manly, anti-Gay Black Puritans, and Toxic Black Nationalist: yall gon boycott Jordans now? How about putting all of yall Jordans and Nike shit on...
Individuals that I would put on par with Dr. Amos Wilson are:1. Dr. Marimba Ani (who’s still with us, so we should support her efforts and scholarships, stop waiting for our great minds to...
Listen Black people, there are some distinctions we need to make;-The US ain’t us. So, Criticizing and Condeming the United States, or critiquing the Policies and Initiatives of Obama and his...
Why do we protest atrocities while ignoring just how crucial such atrocities are to the maintenance of this System we all depend on, even as subjects, captives, or second class citizens of this...
Listen to me; when a very intelligent man, who’s highly educated, and well connected, a man who’s had access to the most top secret information in the world for the last 7 years starts a...
1. I don’t hate America, I want America returned to its lawful and original inhabitants. I hate the Omnicidal Western culture, governance, and economic Systems that invaded, colonized, and now...
Shit, that’s a good question. If I had to pick just one I’d have to say:Professor Bayyinah Bello!Scholars and teachers have different areas of expertise and analysis, so it’s hard for me to...
America gives White people preference and “superiority” over all other Races, only to make them debt slaves to their own Elites and their childrenCannon fodder of Western Imperialism. America...
It came too late! I wish Cosby got his #NWUC before he embarked on his campaign against the impoverished Black masses, single mothers, criminalized Black youth, and Black Radicalism and...
I don’t like that shit.#ColonizingHistory#DisgracingOurAncestors#NotYetFreeIf these muthafuckas wanna make a gesture, why not fucking Free Assata, Free Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Free Pete O’Neil, Free...
The violence that plagues Black communities is rooted in the fact that we have groomed generations of youth to fully integrate with a society and into Systems that are fully committed to their...
Absolutely, for most of human evolution technology was ecological, biodegradable, natural, recyclable, non-disposable, etc. We simply used what was available in our local ecosystems to fashion...
The more appropriate question is: “when will the next “terrorist” attack be publicized and exploited by the Global Elites. Terrorist attacks occur every day in the world. The most common...
Yes, Kwame Ture was correct. Hell, it’s even been demonstrated that other creatures also have this “instinctive” love of justice and drive toward fairness. The problem is, there is a...
Notice how these #BlackNecks who are excusing Obama sound exactly like the ignorant Rednecks who support Republican politicians who don’t represent their interest.Just go back and look...
I personally believe his victims. I think Bambaataa committed the crimes he’s being accused of, and that he should be investigated and have to stand trial. I agree with Mr. Savage that the...
I started a vegan diet while I was a poor kid, on foodstamps, living in the projects, where there were no local grocery stores, let alone health food stores. The nearest grocery store was several...
The real Curse of Ham is Obesity, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, Coronary Artery Disease, Colon Cancer, and a host of dietary Parasites.So, “get off the swine and get refined,” and Go...
Organize, Organize, Organize.Everyone from Fanon to Ture told us that engaging our Struggle, confronting our Oppression is the best way to no only hasten the end to our Oppression, but to sustain our...
Man, you bout to have me on the next Coon Train vid with these questions. When I said “all White peoples ain’t bad,” you have to put it in the context of the question that was being posed....
Yes you can be a Pan-Africanist or “pro-Black” and have a non-African/Black as a significant other. I don’t know about the pro-Black “when it comes to choosing a wife or a boyfriend,”...
LOL! That’s funny since African has spent the least amount of time under colonization of most other occupied lands. We have a very limited historical memory because Western colonization has...
I’ve been asked about my thoughts on Chairman Omali before and I kinda addressed it there.I’ve worked with some members who were establishing or expanding a chapter here on the South Side of...
I been hearing all these “conscious” Black men tell me that they just wish women would respect their bodies; and I need yall to explain to me what the fuck that means.To me, respecting...
Erykah Badu is just fucking wrong. Listen, if longer skirts protected women from abuse, rape, and disrespect then nations like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan would have the safest and most secure...
You talking about them Nobu Hotels?Well, that’s Imperialism. The US military bombs the Third World nations into submission, Western Intelligence Agencies subvert progressive...
Afrika Bambaataa sex abuse accuser Ronald Savage speaks out
Black Panther Dies In Prison After 45 Years Behind Bars
I never fucked with Christian/American whole-lie-daze since the age of 15. They are a waste of money.Since having kids and moving to Chicago I’ve been going to my family gatherings cuz the children...
I can’t get with the esotericism Bobby Hemmitt would study and teach TBH. I’m not even discounting all of it, but it’s just not my arena. Del Jones on the other hand, he was a mentor for me,...
Nope, cuz Communism is a European “version” of African Communalism. When you adopt a bastardized version of a bastardized system it tends to not work. Africans were engage in the production...
Thank you.When I was a kid, shit was kinda fucked up for me and my peers, and I quickly observed that people navigated the Hood in two basic ways; there was those who dealt with is as it was, and...
I am going to have to assume you are asking me “…subjected to the same treatment/conditions/oppression as black women…”.All White women don’t think that, there are some White...
White men hate Feminism because they hate and actively attempt to suppress, destroy, or co-opt all threats to their hegemony; in that order.Women are oppressed, non-White women are the most oppressed...
The Struggle Continues, that’s all I can say.Africans have a long history of trading one Colonial Oppressor for another and calling that a victory or progress. When the Muslims replaced the...
Black culture isn't the problem - systemic inequality is | Boots Riley
The notion that Racial discrimination was limited to, isolated in, or primarily in the South is a myth, like Malcolm X stated; “if you south of the Canadian border you are South.” Read up on...
diallokenyatta: “Survival of the fittest” was not Darwin’s principle, hell, it wasn’t even a principle at all, it was an observation, or more like a conclusion based on observation.Darwin was...
“Survival of the fittest” was not Darwin’s principle, hell, it wasn’t even a principle at all, it was an observation, or more like a conclusion based on observation.Darwin was a White dude,...
The worst thing about Integration is that it’s always late.Dr Claud Anderson stated that “Racism holds us in place until technology (progress) can steamroll over us.” That means...
Colonization and Settler Colonialism requires displacement, concentration, extermination, and sometimes the enslavement of the Native populations and/or non-White migrants. When you do this to...
Egyptians got so much lighter the same way…Australians,Canadians, Occupants of the United States, Mexicans, and South Americans,…got so much lighter. Through centuries of invasions,...
Short Answer:Fuck Mansa Musa, we don’t need rulers, statesmen, or even commoners like that muthafucka.Long Answer:Mansa Musa first off was a Muslim, how the hell can you be the greatest African...
diallokenyatta: No, the root of Germany’s actions in WWII had little to do with economic freedom for Germany. Even the hyperinflation that plagued Germany in the early 1920 was not the reason for...
diallokenyatta: Too little too late. Compaore was in power for decades and forbade anyone to even discuss the issue publicly, now that he’s out of power they wanna dig this us. Fine, I think...
No, the root of Germany’s actions in WWII had little to do with economic freedom for Germany. Even the hyperinflation that plagued Germany in the early 1920 was not the reason for the War, it...
Too little too late. Compaore was in power for decades and forbade anyone to even discuss the issue publicly, now that he’s out of power they wanna dig this us. Fine, I think he’s guilty, but...
newwavenova:1. Make good use of you resources. Think, do you have any spare organs you can sell on the black market? 2. Don’t miss a good oppurtunity. If you see a homeless man on the street,...
I went to several Dr. Sebi lectures and events by in the 90s, and I have to say, he’s a delightful elder. Great sense of humor, and he tells the move vivid stories. He seems to have found new...
If we allow the West to collapse under the weight of its own corruption and contradictions there will be no way to prepare because by then the air will be unbreathble, the water will be undrinkable,...
I understand that white structures of domination are the ecosystem that we thrive in and your points that until this ecosystem is destroyed that there’s no opportunity for black happiness black...
All these cults got Black people so damn twisted about our history and heritage. SMH.I am starting to think that having a warped or mythologized version of your history and origin is worse than...
'Mothers Of The Movement' Explain Why They're Voting For Hillary ClintonMother’s of the movement? What organized and planned actions did they take against the Systems and Institutions of White...
Something not adding up:We protest Trump for promising to build a wall, and deport all illegal immigrants, we don’t protest Obama for deporting more immigrants than any other president in...
We let them get away with calling Genocide, Ethnic cleansing.Then we let them get away with calling Ethnic Cleansing, Gentrification.Then we started calling Racism, White privilege.Now they tryna...
I went to the polls, I voted for Bernie Sanders, took less than 5mins, and now it’s back to the same organizing, planning, building, educating, and learning that I was always doing.See how that...
Our unschooled ancestors in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s were more politically intelligent than all these educated New Negros today.When they saw that the Republicans were not responsive to their...
The Black people who voted for Hillary are the same ones who’ve remained loyal to Obama during his 7+ years in office.These are individuals for whom integration is more important than...
We were discussing HillBillary Clinton’s crimes during Clinton’s first two terms in office and Eyon asked me “what’s Obama’s Haiti?”I responded; “Libya, not...
I admire and respect Dr. King; but I ain’t talking about the Dr. King that the Black Masses have fetishized and the White Elites have distorted.King displayed enormous ideological growth over his...
Of course Shawn King is Black, if he wasn’t he’d spell his name like this: “Sean.”As for as Congressman Butterfield, his Hood pass has long been revoked, and his standing as a member in the...
Our unschooled ancestors in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s were more politically intelligent than all these educated New Negros today.When they saw that the Republicans were not responsive to their...
The Washington/DuBois conflict is basically a chicken/egg debate; what comes first for newly “liberated” Black masses. Should we focus on industrial development and shun political...
Damn, I don’t want to get into this one. SMH. The teachings of the Nation of Gods & Earths are the foundation of the dopest and most life affirming Hip Hop ever. For that, I am eternally...
This is a painful question for me, you’ve totally ruined my Sunday Anonymous; but I’ll answer anyway.I wish the problem was simply finding list. It’s a much bitter issue than that. We are...
I don’t really understand your question. What is the “this” you are referring to when you asked “negatively affects this in the classroom?”Yes, Black students perform better when we have...
Well, I’ve always looked at it as an art genre. I’ve been collecting and reading comics since I first learned to read, and video games since I was old enough to reach the joy stick. Not to...
No. Not at all. The concepts of Race and the ideology and practices of Racism are not permanent, they haven’t even been with humanity for a significant amount of our history. Look at other...
As a spectator or consumer of AF arts and literature I am. I been down with Afrofuturism before I even know what it was or the proper term for it, I consumed as much of it as I could get my hands on...
Listen, I don’t believe in trying to resurrect the dead. Sowell and Williams ain’t worth the attention of Black folks. Focusing on them is like trying to sue the dog instead of the owner when...
I’m gonna vote for Bernie on March 15th, and the man said he’s gonna ride this shit all the way to the Democratic Convention; so I think his supporters should as well. I don’t get emotionally...
Thank you, I really appreciate this. It’s real motivation to keep going for me. Respect.
As far as a healthy life, I think it’s obvious why anyone would want to be healthy in life, so I don’t think I gotta get into the value of physical and mental health regardless of one’s...
He’s an integrationist, last I remember; it’s been a while since I’ve interacted with him or reviewed his materials. Cats like him tend to flip their shit often. But last time I was asked...
Here’s the problem many “conscious” Blacks have with raising our children under Systems and Institutions of White Domination: our actions don’t reflect our ideologies.So, we can’t tell...
I think Black people should combat Racist Jokes, Images, and Media; we should confront and destroy all attempts to demean our heritage, our form, our identity, and our culture; tirelessly and...
I support Bernie in his effort to secure the Democratic Nomination for the US presidency. I will be voting for him when the opportunity comes on March 15th.I’ve been following Bernie’s...
No, not as in inmate.I worked a a very large facility, in the prison infirmary for a few years, I also worked for a company that did medical contracting with private and public prisons across the...
I am not now, nor have I ever been a Moor. Having had our identity and roots withheld from us over generations, Blacks in the US gravitated to cultures, customs, and costumes that gave us a sense...
Don’t organize with people who say shit like “I ain’t with all that talking, I’m about the work.” Cuz, for one; they some lying as MFahs, and secondly, they are...
Malcolm X once stated that ‘Black folks are the only people in the world who have horn players (entertainers) as leaders.’ He was actually referring to Luis armstrong and the great...
Video: Thief Loses His Arm After Stealing a Man's Air JordansBlack men, I got a serious fucking question for yall. How is it that when a Black man, a husband and father is robbed for some Jordan...
Wise Intelligent They Don't Get It Prod. by DJ POCKET
From a Pan-Africanist perspective; Joseph Stalin played a direct role in the collapse of Western European Colonization of Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Stalin and the Soviets were the enemies of...
I am supporting Bernie in the Democratic Primary, but I likley to vote for Jill Stein in the general election, or for Cynthia Mckinney if she officially gets in the race….because I’m in a Blue...
Right now, the most talented and powerful Black warriors are prepared to give their lives to for a common agenda, and victory is the only option. The rest of the Black community is mobilized to...
Maannnn….fuck them mah-fuckin, muthafuckas. Seriously. Fuck. Them.
Thanks #Yurugu, It’s good to know just the kinda psychopathic, lying ass mentality we are up against.(I’m now calling for the Yurugu Self Exposure Progocol #YSEP; when a Yurugu expresses their...
“Our cause?” I gonna assume that you are talking about the cause of Revolutionary Pan-Africanism; and I would say no, he does not help our cause.King Noble is a “Black Supremacist” who...
Fredrick Douglas was an Abolitionist, Integrationism was not even fully formed in his era.FD is absolutely a “Black Leader” we should look up to, just read the man’s writings, the history of...
Short Answer:The only viable option is to build community in the rubble of the Hood.Way Too Long Answer:There is no escape from the Hood, you can only lose your damn mind, because if you can find...
Oh man, Mugabe, Mugabe…., Mugabe. SMH.Mugabe is a product of a long standing affliction that has burdened African Nations and Organizations since the rise of White Aggression, Colonization,...
Socialism has to be implemented through Revolution because our natural evolution towards socialism was distributed by Western Imperlism, and when a people’s natural evolution is disrupted or...
Yes, the African Diaspora has the ability and resources to free the people in West Papua, and the rest of the Pan-African/Black Global Community; but we lack the collective will, drive, and...
I’m very familiar with Dr. Rashidi’s lectures and research; especially his works on the Black presence in Asia. I’d put him up there with the likes of Anthony Browder, Ansar Kwesi, hell, even...
The funny thing about the stupid asses who aspire to be Bill Gates is that they don’t realize that Bill Gates has used his wealth to manipulate the tech industry, software policies and policing,...
Yes, I do have problems with people who live in mansions (unless they have a very large, or multigenerational family that requires that much space), own yachts, or private jets; I have a really big...
Diallo is my real name. My father was pro-Black so he gave me and my older sister African names.
No, the United States is a “criminal enterprise founded by a bunch of criminals,” as Del Jones was fond of reminding us.Many of the greatest Statesmen in US History, like Woodrow Wilson and Bill...
Yes, education and book learning really do change folks, and it changes the masses.The problem is that we too often confuse mass indoctrination with education. What’s happening in the US is mass...
It’s because New Negros are willfully ignorant of history, they embrace mythologies, not just Religious Mythologies, but political and historical mythologies. For the New Negro go accept and...
What you are asking about is “Class Suicide,” which is what Jay Z would have to commit in order to empower the Black community; and CS is one of the rarest phenomenon in modern human history.We...
I respect Black people moving to Africa for a better vantage point in which to engage in the Liberation Struggle; I’m not keen on Black people moving to African to escape Racism, and to use their...
Short Answer: I have no Idea. (If I had any good sense I’d stop here, but good sense ain’t one of my strongest attributes, LOL, so I’ll proceed with opinion and speculations based on the...
“The Award Shows (are for) pimps and hoez, and every other hypocrite to show of their clothes!” - KRS-One I swear, if I see one more New Negro crying about the lack of Black Oscar...
No, but I follow it closely, because of it’s impact on the world’s ecosystems, and global politics. I think everyone should study the market it is like a fucking crystal ball.For example; when...
No, I never have, not even once. I grew up in a home that was plagued by many addictions; drugs and alcohol. I’ve heard all of the “herb is not a drug” arguments, but I don’t partake in...
The IC (International Community) is what’s behind the atrocities in Haiti, so we can only expect them to sustain, exacerbate, or cover up the persistent issues in Haiti.The IC is not all nations...
No, Nollywood does not make enough Revolutionary PanAfrican films. But to be fair, I think all films should be Revolutionary PanAfrican films.Yes, White colonizers have too much influence over the...
That’s an easy one; it’s the exact same process we need to go through to unite within the US.We need to dissect the issues we face, we know it Global White Domination, Racism, and Capitalism; but...
I’m just gone come right out and say it: I think Chipotle is a victim of Corporate Sabotage. There, I said it; I will also have to quote the Big Homie Herman Cain and admit that, “I...
The Cosby situation has really brought to surface many really fucked up attitudes and views may Black men and women, especially so-called Conscious Black men; have about Rape. I mean, I’m...
Anon, I have more then 60 questions pending in my inbox and your first question is not even in the top 20.Even though it may not seem like it, I like to put thought into my responses; thus the volume...
I think Garvey would do the same thing he did in the 1920s because the same problems that existed then exist today. I think he would have some minor changes to his overall program, like abandoning...
That number is highly debatable; but I would put it into the billions; especially since the Maangamizi is still ongoing and accelerating. I also count the masses of animal and plant extinctions in...
People think observing or celebrating Kwanzaa is an accomplishment unto itself, or a contribution to our culture and the struggle. I thought Kwanzaa was supposed to be a review and recognition of the...
I know the CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theroy to derail critical and skeptical inquiry into the government’s illegal affairs and False flag attacks; and to delegitimize those who reject the...
I’ve been seeing Obamites rave about low gas prices, and giving Obama all praises for “lowering gas prices,” and accusing people of denying Obama his due credit for “lowering...
Most of the Bill Boosters are not aware of Bills ideology, world view, and what he advocated for; they are groupies. These are people who think popularity, or the accumulation of massive amounts of...
Dude, Bill Cosby said that White folks kept their promises to Black people to give us equal rights, opportunity, and access to the promised land; and that we could not blame the White man for our...
Yes and No. A person could work for or within the government and still organize for Liberation and Justice; but they cannot move the Institutions, Bureaucracies , and Systems of the US government...
I have to admit, KC showed us so much love, it felt really good to make money while doing what we believed in. We tried to sustain the restaurant as a cooperative enterprise, to train community...
It depends on the scale of the rebellion, because there have always been Whites who rebel against the Systems and Institutions of White Domination, for various reasons. Some rebel because they seek...
Yes, I have read TC.My thoughts on Between The World and Me and his other writings is that it’s Liberal Complaints and Appeals, lacking Racial Analysis or Solutions. He’s a good writer, but I...
All of the BRICS nations; Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa have demonstrated that they are as willing to exploit, incarcerate, impoverish, and kill their citizens for the benefit of...
My primary issue is with industrial, corporate, subsidized meat production/processing/consumption. I wouldn’t deny their Maasai herdsmen their cattle, or the Inuit their fish and sea mammal...
Short Answer:I don’t like that shit.Long Answer:China is following the White Industriocapitalist (I made this word up) Development blueprint: Step One: Hyper-exploit your own citizens and...
Yeah you said it. But I don’t think it’s the “common Black person.” It’s just that these types are the most vocal and visible, which make them seem greater in number than they actually...
Hey Diallo, What is view on new tech companies such as Uber, Washio, Eaze etc. expanding the contract worker business model? Also home/room sharing app’s/platforms like Airbnb potentially leading...
No. DJ defines Civilization in a very specific way; which is not universal. According to his definition of Civilization; which is applies to Western Civilization; yes, it was a horrific...
I just want to send a Universal Fuck You to all of you defending or making excuses for R.Kelly, and a double Fuck You to you bastards who are blaming the journalist for not giving proper respect or...
Is Steve Harvey gonna publicly announce his forgiveness of all those Racist calling him a “coon, monkey, and illiterate ni99er,” like he publicly forgave Paula Deen for referring to all...
#Yurugu#TheIceman#PerpetualWarfare Don’t think because you see the world trending towards green technology, recycling, and veganism/organic that it will end White...
If are transitioning to a Vegan diet, please avoid PETA’s dietary suggestions. If you are in support of Animal Rights, as am I, then by all means, fuck with PETA; and go Vegan, but...
Let me just get this out: The Straight Pride Movement, and Men’s Rights Movement (aka: Menism) is a waste of time and effort. An irresponsible distraction for a people with real fucking...
I really wish we’d stop investing so much into personalities and focus on agendas; everyone in every organization, struggle, and movement should be in their position based on their...
I responded: Are you a revolutionary in direct, open, and ongoing opposition to the established Religious, Economic, Military, and Political forces that run the world today? If you ain’t then...
Negros screaming about Hitler and the Nazis being the worst thing to ever manifest on earth is a testament of how ignorant we are of history. I’ve never heard Ashkenazi Jews say that King...
Jordan is giving a few millions dollars to depressed and impoverished areas, that are only depressed and impoverished as a result of the economic and industrial practices that he’s made...
100% of the African-American population took part in the Civil Rights Movement.Then, as now; there are no neutral positions, or as Howard Zinn put it, “you can’t be neutral on a speeding...
Yes, in fact, the US is in the latter stages of ecological, social, economic, and political collapse. Most importantly is the collapse of the US military ad empire. Since the US is most...
Yes: ignore Western Development Models, “it’s fun in the beginning, but it’s pain in the end.”
I don’t like that shit, I don’t like it.That’s that shit I don’t like.They are really dumb, for real.They need to stay outta my face with that Bullshit.
I believe the elder’s heart is in the right place, but as he admitted publicly, he has failed.Dr. Fraser, for those who don’t know, is a successful, educated, and committed Black man; he’s...
No, we grew up in the same city around the same time but our paths never crossed, except when I saw him perform at local venues way back in the early 90s.
He lost me when I saw him sitting with Tommie Sotomayor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FaXb6_aaKk
Hell yeah I do, they said it did, and I believe them. Vodun, or the universal rejection and abandonment of our Oppressor’s Gods, Dogmas, and Religions, and their replacement with our own Indigenous...
I assumed you are asking me about Dr. Umar Johnson. Just to be safe, I Googled “Unarmed Johnson,” and it actually gave me some vids by Dr. Umar Johnson; so let’s run with that.Essentially, UJ...
The Nazis were not the first or last Genocidal European Imperialist.Just look at the basic facts; the Nazis developed a ideology of Supremacy, targeted vulnerable populations for extermination, and...
No, but I’ve been targeted by such powers. When I was younger and less mindful of the feelings of the women in my life; I’ve been threatened to have “roots put pun meh.” LOL! I don’t...
The British were Colonist (pre-US) allies against the Natives. The Natives were Rebel (pre-US) allies against the British. The Natives were US allies against enslaved Africans. The Buffalo Soldiers...
We have a large population of Black men (and women), whom I call Black Puritans , who swear they are not only African, but that they embrace African values, and seek African Liberation; at the exact...
Africans (at home and abroad) tend see our Oppressors as Abusive Parents instead of Entrenched Enemies. We tend to withdraw, self-harm, self-medicate, throw tantrums, act out, beg/plead/scream for...
Yes, I accept that there is good and evil. Those who state that there is no such thing are usually muthafuckas engaged in evil, and trying to front like they ain’t.I don’t like to be...
White folks just refuse to learn the lessons of history. They just don’t understand the Blacks are the political and economic “Canaries in the Coal Mine” of America. What...
It all depends. If it’s an elder man or woman, I graciously accept what they have to give me or tell me, I thank them, and I move one. We Africans respect the elders, always.Hell, I just had an...
I been a fan of Boots Riley and the Coup since 1993 when ‘Kill My Landlord’ dropped.As far as him being a Marxist I’m cool with that shit, but I do have my issues with Marxism. Wow, this was...
I haven’t followed the “crisis actor/actress” angle to these False Flag attacks, TBH.I’m wouldn’t be surprised that the Elites are bold enough to do such a thing, and the masses are dumb...
No, not possible because the resources that the West used to build its e