Foregin Gods…

White people take their god and religions and built a global empire. Jews took their god and religion and build a world financial and media empire while funding the greatest military power in the Middle East. Arabs, Persians, and Asians take their god and religion and build an unrelenting resistance movement that has all empires running scared. Another group of Asians take Atheism and ideology and build an emerging world superpower. Africans...

A Revolution Deffered.

The violence we refused to use against our oppressors is now consuming us from within. We were told not to retaliate when White racist turned hoses on us, spat on us, bombed our homes, burned our churches, and killed our children; so now we kill each over next to nothing. Today we fail to identify the true source of our problems and pretend that god, schooling, and obedience will save us all. Understand, we are oppressed and oppression breeds...

That’s Queer.

Gay people say they want justice in this society; but they manifest their desire for justice by seeking to openly serve in the US military, and by having their unions recognized by corrupt churches & this imperial government. That’s queer (sorry, I couldn’t resist). Also, when a member of the LGBTQ community is attacked, brutalized, and denied their rights; they are very good at uniting, rallying, and fighting for their...

African Identity

Africans played no role in the establishment of the current global order, and it benefits us the least; if at all. Why do we show the system and its institutions any level of loyalty? Africans should be at the helm of every resistance and non-alignment struggle on the face of the earth. African identity should be rooted in Revolution and resistance in this era.

Some Insights for the White Gun Nuts.

It’s funny how White Conservatives fight to preserve their right to bear arms because they see the “liberal guv'mint” as a threat. They imagine that they can both; be rugged individualist and at the same time, pose a threat to a publicly funded, organized fighting force. They despise communalism, collectivism, cooperation, and socialism; all things that the military practices. That’s why the armed conservative Whites who oppose the...


In the era of chattel enslavement, almost 2 million enslaved Africans lived in bondage. Those Africans who resided in free states lived in poverty and squalor; there was a small minority of Africans who lived well and enjoined many of the amenities of White ‘Civilization.’ The vast majority of those free Africans were more concerned with daily survival, or maintaining what privileges they hay had, than destroying the overall system of...

On Emotions…

Emotions are powerful, but also transient; no functional relationships can rest on emotion, be it love or hate. If you engage in emotional relationships (romantic or otherwise); you will have turbulent and sporadic relationships, marked by extreme highs and lows with very little stability. Emotional relationships are stagnant as well as dysfunctional. They impeded the growth of all individuals who are invested in the relationship. Just look at...


OK, I get it. African-Americans have demonstrated that we are able to achieve great things in the face of discrimination, and systematic oppression. We have overcome and made great strides as minorities and second-class citizens. Who could possible deny that now. Case closed. Can we now focus our talents and energies in to destroying the goddamn system of oppression, instead of achieving within it?

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