Black Music: From Liberation to Commodification.

During Chattel Slavery our ancestors sang songs of liberation, coded songs that would help guide those who were daring enough to take the risk to freedom in the North, or deeper South. Songs like Wade in the Water & Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd. These songs were sang through the Slave Quarters, and in the fields, and wherever you found enslaved Africans.

Today, as I live in my (poor Black) community, and visit Hoods all over the US I hear Black music, bumping from the cars, to the stores, from the slum housing giving the exact opposite message of the hymns of the past. Popular Black music of our era compels us remain on the plantation, to fully embrace the subhuman conditions that our oppressors subject us to.

We’ve allowed our Enemies to penetrate and commodify our culture, to turn our most talented Brothers and Sisters against us. We now ignore the songs of rebellion, exodus, and inspiration and shake our asses to unrelenting disrespect, materialism, and death.

Without a African Cultural Revolution, without elevating the artist who boost Pan-Africanism, Black Empowerment, and Revolution over these overpaid Modern Day Minstrels we don’t stand a change.

Without a Culture of Resistance, without progressive music to inspire us we will not make it.

Music is most important to the African.

As Del Jones often stated: “Outta the Drum We Come, and it is to the Drum we will return.”

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