Is a pan african army which not only includes USA but the rest of the african diaspora nations like Haiti,Brazil,Colombia,Jamaica,Cuba etc…. possible ?

No, not at this juncture, but that’s OK, because it’s also not necessary.We tend to want to get ahead of ourselves in this struggle; we think Revolution is about arming ourselves and hitting the streets; whether we arm ourselves with chants and picket signs, or with AKs and Molotov cocktails; but it takes so much more.Revolution is a process, a scientific and systematic process; it is not an event.Most armed and organized Black forces are...

I know you’re an atheist, and believe religions are just made-up fairy tales. However I humbly submit to you that Kemet is more of a philosophy than a religion. Even if you say it’s based on more legend than historical fact, at least it’s our thing. When Africans reigned Supreme, and Whites lived in caves. The White man then came along and stole Black culture, then called it their own. Will you let me call you Hotep? After all, we descended from Kings and Queens

Atheist don’t “believe” anything about religion.  Atheism is not really about assertions, it’s more about accepting evidence and acknowledging where there is no evidence.Atheism is not a “belief,” it’s a conclusion, a studied conclusion.I was raised in the church, I was baptized, I was content in my beliefs up til I was 14 years old; but they just didn’t hold up to critical examination; so I would have to hold to lies or accept...

Are Africans the true Hebrews of the bible?

No.  No people are the “true Hebrews” cuz the true Hebrews” are pure fiction.The Bible is an amalgam of History, Lies, Folklore, Mythology, and Distortions from a wide range of African, Asian, Middle Eastern, and European cultures and dogmas.The Hebrews of the Bible are fictional, there are no Chosen People, no bondage in Egypt, no Burning Bushes, no Moses, not splitting of the Red Sea, no captivity, no being lost in the wilderness, no...

I live in London, England ! Thank you for your reply of November 4th 2015 ! I must admit that in England the widespread promotion of miscegenation in the British media is nearly always a young white British woman and a young black man producing a light skinned cute desired baby ! Do you think then that the white British male power structure in Britain have effectively used young white British women to take the blackness out of black men in Britain by being a white British vessel for their babies

Well, there is evidence of White Colonizers and Enslavers creating a “mulatto class” to serve as leaders (and in times of open conflict subverters) of the Black community.This class has had power in Haiti for over a century, there’s also such a class in in Ghana that Dr. Clarke spoke of.  We also know the internal color conflicts and divisions among Black populations throughout the Diaspora, especially in the United States and Latin...

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