Meat Eaters Can Be Such Fucking Crybabies.


The topic I hate dealing with the most is diet.

If you think people get emotional…, and irrational about their ideologies then just try to get them to critically think about their food; they will flip on your ass quick.

I commonly provoke everyone from Christians, Black Misogynistic Puritians who try to pass themselves off as Black Nationalist, Feminist, etc., but the one thing I hate confronting most is Black folks and our addiction to Plantation Foods, Meats, Diary, and their cousin MFLS (Manufactured Food-Like Substances), oh and their aunty; TCCP (Toxins Chemical Cosmetic Products).

It cracks me up when people complain about Vegans pushing their agenda, or throwing their lifestyle in people’s faces. That shit is as crazy as when Christians complain about being oppressed in America when they fucking totally dominate America, when the majority of radio and other media is Christocentric. When they talk about a War on Christmas when Christmas is a multibillion dollar Whole-lie-day that’s jammed down everyone’s throat for damn near half the year.

HFEs (Human Flesh Eaters) are the same way fucking way tho.

They just moan when someone announces that they are Vegan, or share insights about respect for animals or how meat production is damaging the environment. I swear I’ve heard so many HFE cry out in protest because they are being oppressed by the 1 or 2 Vegans in their social circles or at their jobs. I say fuck yall HFE and yall complaining.

The meat and dairy industries puts billions of dollars into advertising their products! Vegans are subjected to a nonstop barrage of promotions for meat and dairy products, no matter where we turn. We watch our favorite shows and they show meat consumption as the standard, and whenever they have a Vegan character they are a weirdo or villain; that shit is not by accident. When is the last time you’ve seen a Vegan character displayed in a positive light on a TV show?

The reason HFE feel put upon when they have to accommodate a Vegan or just hear about our existence is because they live in a meat-centric universe thus they have no tolerance for anything outside of their bone gristle bubble, it’s almost like with White people have their White Privilege bubble poked by the Racial realities of the world.

I’m glad PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) throws images of cows and pigs with tumors in yall faces, diary cow with infected udders, that they show the world images of chickens chest deep in their own excrement, I’m glad they show videos of farmed fish swimming in their own waste materials and being pumped full of antibiotics, that they take aerial images of ponds and lakes full of billions of gallons of pig and cow shit and urine.

If you can’t handle the truth and visuals of how your dead and irradiated foods gets to your plate, then you shouldn’t eat that damn food.