People Died So That We Could….

For you who vote because our people died for us to vote; I’d like to share some other things our people died for us to do; please add them to your list of historical and ancestral obligations.

Our people died for…

1. Independent Black Nationhood.
2. Independent Black Economies.
3. To End Capitalist Exploitation of Black Communities and Nations.
4. To Avenge Our People Who Were Killed Opposing White Domination.
5. To Decolonize Africa.
6. To Repatriate the African Diaspora Back to Africa.
7. To Subvert the Institutions and Systems of White Domination.
8. To Unify All African People in Power, Security, and Freedom.
9. To Destroy the Prison Industrial Complex.
10. To Unite Black Gangs into A Military Force for Black Defense.
11. For the Correct Education of Our Youth.
12. To End the Hold Christianity Has on African People.
13. To End the Hold Islam Has on African People.
14. To Stop the Rape of Africa’s Resources.
15. To End the Foreign Occupation of Our Ancestral Lands.
16. To Preserve and Advance African Culture.
17. To Prevent the US Military From Expanding the US Empire Across the Globe.
18. To Build Scientific Socialism in 3rd World Nations.
19. To Avenge Our People Who are Murdered Unjustly by the Police.
20. Because they Chose Death over Living Under Oppression.
21. To be Recognized as Africans.

So, after tomorrow, remember; we have many more blood debts to repay.