TWC News Austin: High School Blitz Interview with Apollos Hester
(TWC News Austin full video: TWC News Austin reporter Lauren Mickler interviews East View High School Football player Apollos Hester a…
I’m so fucking sorry to piss on the #NewNegro’s new poster boy for Negro Excellence and Positivity. Ex-fucking-cuse me.
But before yall burn me on the Alter of Integration, please allow me to explain for myself and others why we can’t do the Hallelujah Dance when this annoying ass kid pops up on the TV screen.
Let me put it this way for people who fail to see why so many of us “conscious” Black people have a problem with this kid and how the media is sharing his “inspirational” message….
1. Just image a young White male Ball-Chaser (athlete).
2. Imagine that he’s playing world football (soccer) tho, instead of US football.
3. Imagine he’s playing for Africa instead of the US.
4. Imagine that his team colors are Red, Black, and Green, and he wears them proudly.
5. Imagine that his team is named the Mau Mau, instead of the Patriots.
6. Imagine if he gives Obatala, or some other African God all the glory in his post game interviews.
7. Imagine if a Black, militant, openly anti-White global news channel featured him as an example to all other White people, as he wears his Red, Black, and Green uniform with Mau Mau blazed across his chest, giving Obatala all the fucking glory.
Then, just for fun, lets pretend that Black people have just spent the last fucking 1400 years enslaving, brutalizing, mutilating, raping, exterminating, and just fucking with White people in every way imaginable, that we kill their children and then assassinate the character of their children on the same Black media that we parade this little White Mau Mau who loves giving Obatala all the glory on.
Now, just imagine how Whites would take that shit…or you can replace all the symbolism, God, and ethnicity of the kid with Asian, or even Native equivalents, and White folks would have a fucking fit, as they should. They would reject that “little White Mau Mau fucker,” right out the gate.
Any people when exposed to the living embodiment of their own geographical, historical, ideological, and spiritual conquest would and should do just that.
I hope this puts things into perspective for you New Negros, and others who can’t understand why a certain segment of the Black population will think “fuck this kid,” every single time the White media parades him out to do his little dance on command.
We so need Del Jones and Prof. William Mackey, and Dr. Ben, and the other great cultural critiques to return to us and keep us on point.