Brother Diallo, have you read Dylann Storm Roof’s manifesto yet? Really would be interested in your analysis and assessment of it. His manifesto is the typical bullshit about Black people, but his thoughts on East Asians and Hispanics are interesting.

I have not read it, I don’t intend to read it.  I’m sure it’s a total waste of time.  Like you said, “his manifesto is the typical bullshit,” I already know the typical bullshit. I think these low level White Aggressors get all the attention, when our real problems are the policy makers, those who establish health policy, the Whites who never utter the N-word (in public), who are respectful and sensitive. Those that negotiate...

On one hand it can be a way to generate income for people who are disenfranchised by American government, on the other it tears apart families and creates trauma: what are your thoughts on the drug game? TToya

In reality, dealing drugs do not create trauma, it’s drug policies and social conditions that create the trauma, people turn to drugs to escape their social conditions, or to reduce the pain of unaddressed traumas.  I find it hard to find the difference between slanging cheese burgers or slanging crack, except that the cheese burger seller will cause more social damage with their product than the dope dealer.Addiction is a disease, and a...

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