Imma let you in on an open secret; “you can’t free slaves.”I know we’ve been taught about emancipation, freedom, and liberation being given to us, or us taking it. But once you look beyond the surface, you’ll see that the Slaves continued to conduct themselves as slaves even after they were granted “freedom.” There’s a difference between the enslaved and the slave. The enslaves resents their enslavement and constantly seeks...
See, you about to start a Semantic War in the blogoverse, Anonymous. That’s because the title Liberal and Conservative have no meaning in the Western political context anymore. That world hasn’t meant shit in the US since J. Edgar Hoover obliterated the true Left of the American political spectrum over half a century ago (COINTELPRO put the final death nail in the Left, but the war against the Left started back in the late 1800s); there...
Short Answer: Their Indoctrinated Ignorance of Socialism is what the (masses of citizens in the) West and US have against Socialism.Long Answer:The US Elites have a different relationship to Socialism than the US Masses.The Elites love socialism; they practice socialism, and they benefit greatly from socialism. The Masses are taught by the Elites to hate, fear, and reject Socialism. Chomsky talks about Socialism for the (Elite) Few, and...
First, just let them children grow, keep them among you, but don’t put the weight of the world on their shoulders. Immerse Black children into an African community, not just liberation work. Black children loving life is their Liberation work. A happy, healthy, and protected Black child is our liberation work. Let em grow, and they will come to you and request a role when the time is right, you don’t to force the movement on them, or...
White Racism, Xenophobia, Hyper Aggression, Genocide, Ecocide, and Parasitism predates Capitalism by centuries. Capitalism started in the 1800s. If you tie Capitalism in with Mercantilism (proto-Capitalism), then you can go as far back as the 16the 17th Century. Whites were doing their dirt Before the Common Era (BCE fka BC).Capitalism is merely the economic system for Global White Domination at this time, but it hasn’t always been, and...
I’ve been reading Kwame Ture since I was 13 years old, he had me running around saying I was a Socialist before I knew what Socialism was. LoL!!I don’t have any disagreements with Ture worth bringing to the surface, but if I had to critique him I would say that he had a tendency to idealize the masses of the people. He asserted that “Humans have an instinctive love of justice.” I wanted that to be true, but in my works and in my...
You playing fast and lose with your comparisons.You are correct that Spartacus was fighting against exploitation coming from members of his own culture and Race, while Dessalines was fighting oppression imposed by an Alien Culture and Race.Kwame Ture states that exploitation (by your own Race/Culture) can be overcome through reforms, and even uprisings, the exploited don’t need to destroy the very culture, infrastructure, and society to secure...
In an relatively recent interview Gil stated that the poem’s message that a mental or internal awakening is required before you can have social or political change.But of course, I know better than Gil; so Imma tell you what he really meant. LoL.TRWNBT was first a mockery of the petty consumerism and celebrity culture that had engulfed the Black community after the subversion of the Black Liberation Movement in the 50s and 60s. In the 70s...