Erykah Badu is just fucking wrong.
Listen, if longer skirts protected women from abuse, rape, and disrespect then nations like Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan would have the safest and most secure women in the fucking world.
Hell, if that were the case, I’d maybe even encourage women to cover up more; but it doesn’t, and it pisses me off that women are told this fucking myth.
I worked in Level One trauma centers in Kansas City and New York City. They would bring in rape victims and assault victims there, and we had a “rape kit” and “rape team” on site for them.
There was no fucking profile for the victims, there were elderly victims, there were victims who hadn’t even reach sexual maturity! Infants are raped! There were young girls and women who followed all of the protocols for being “good women and girls,” from covering their full bodies to modest hair styles, and they never went out late or our alone and they were still raped!
In years of seeing women walk in to the ER, or carried or rolled into the ER in wheelchairs or on stretchers, I never saw a particular profile of rape and assault victims!
So, telling women that longer skirts will prevent unwanted sexual attention is not only a fucking lie, it has the potential to expose the woman to even greater dander if she develops a false sense of security based on her modest way of dressing.
In fact, some sexual predators target modest women because they think modest women are more submissive, less likely to resist, and can be intimidated into keeping quite about their assault. Others target women who dress provocatively because they know society, and people like Badu will go into victim blaming mode after they harass, assault, and or rape her. So, how does a women protect herself?
By opposing Rape and not putting the blame on Women and and how a woman’s dressed, that’s fucking how!
Badu is even more fucked up cuz she tries to saturate her bullshit with all this socially conscious mumbo jumbo, and she is a cultural icon, so people are more likely to listen to her bullshit.
Instead of shaming women in short skirts, Badu should be fucking ashamed of herself.
Repeat after me:
Women and Girls do not provoke sexual assaults, harassment, or rape! Rapist cause rape, and that’s it. Sexual predators are not deterred by modest clothing and they are not provoked by revealing clothing, sexual predators are opportunistic abusers and will target any victim they think they can successfully abuse. Finally, it is a man’s responsibility to control his own mind, eyes, mouth, and hands; not any woman or girls obligation to help him to do so!
I’ve musta typed this same damn tirade dozens of times, and I’ve had to say it even more often. I’ve had to give this speech on basketball courts, in barbershops, in da club, and I’ve even had to give it to a bunch of youth ministers once. I’m sick of going over this remedial shit with men, and it blows my mind when women talk this shit even more.