Dammit Black People!
Somebody explain to me why this is anything that we should be playing with? I don’t understand. What are there so many Black people who think this shit is cute?
We need to stop with this ‘Contributionism.’
Dr Amos Wilson (as far as I now coined the term) Contributionsim. He said it was the impulse to show and prove to Whites what we have contributed to them, to history, to civilization. He taught that it was done in the false hope that once we show Whites how much we have accomplished as a people, how much we have contributed to their success, how much we have given humanity, that they would accept us as equals, and end their oppressive exploitation and abuse of us.
It didn’t work when we proved that monotheism, Christianity, Jesus, and all of their religions have their roots in Africa. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we proved that language, literature, the arts, universities, the mystery schools, science started in Africa. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we demonstrated that the designers and builders of the Great Pyramids were Black. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we showed our brilliance by making industrial and scientific inventions that allow them to earn billions of dollars. They Still Hate US.
It didn’t work when we demonstrated our humanity by creating the greatest works of visual, musical, theatrical, and performing arts the world has ever seen. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we show the world the beauty, strength, and coordination of the Black form by performing athletic feats no one though human possible. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we fought and died in their wars. They Still Hate Us.
It didn’t work when we show the highest level of humanity (or stupidity, depending on your POV) and forgiveness when we labored under slavery for 3 centuries, endured another century of legal oppression, and still live under institutional oppression, yet we are still the most loyal and patriotic demographic in the US. They Still Hate US.
So why the fuck do we think showing them that they share our DNA, that we are their evolutionary parents, that they wouldn’t even exist if not for us, is gonna change them, or move them to act more just and humanely. They Still Gonna Fucking Hate Us!
We shouldn’t be proud, of this shit, or think it’s funny. We should be more offended and ashamed then this muthafucka that he was endowed with any African DNA, we should rip it from every cell in his decrepit body and spit on what’ left.