I support Bernie in his effort to secure the Democratic Nomination for the US presidency. I will be voting for him when the opportunity comes on March 15th.I’ve been following Bernie’s political career for some time. He’s been doing the “Brunch with Bernie” for years and I’ve always listened and was impressed with his answers during the call-in segment of the show. I had a Poli Sc professor tell me that there was a...
If you’re not African-Centered, you’re insane! Del Jones, the War Correspondent.
No, not as in inmate.I worked a a very large facility, in the prison infirmary for a few years, I also worked for a company that did medical contracting with private and public prisons across the Midwest, so I’ve been in many private and public prison facilities, and in one federal facility to provide medical services for inmates, I also worked on one epidemiological study conducted in a prison to track TB infections and transmissions in the...
I am not now, nor have I ever been a Moor. Having had our identity and roots withheld from us over generations, Blacks in the US gravitated to cultures, customs, and costumes that gave us a sense of pride in our ancestors and ourselves. I think at this point such behavior is counterproductive, we, collectively are too big for dress up and make believe. I am a proud and determined member of the Global African Diaspora, we are a diverse...
Powerful people request that their god bless their actions. Oppressed people request that god take action on their behave. Diallo Kenyatta
Don’t organize with people who say shit like “I ain’t with all that talking, I’m about the work.” Cuz, for one; they some lying as MFahs, and secondly, they are anti-intellectual and the the struggle requires us to be intelligent, to out think our oppressors. Now, not being down for “all that talking” actually means they are not down for thinking, dialogue, debate, research, critique, analysis,...
Malcolm X once stated that ‘Black folks are the only people in the world who have horn players (entertainers) as leaders.’ He was actually referring to Luis armstrong and the great influence he had over the Black community, not just style and culture, but political and ideological influence. In his heyday Luis was the biggest entertainer in the US, and the US took full advantage of this. Luis was most popular at a time when...