Black People: The Wildebeest of the World.

I have a relative who calls Black people; “The Wildebeest of the World,” because we are always being herded from region to region by powers beyond our control and fed upon by all of the predators along our forced migrations. We were herded from the South to the north by racial violence, only to be exploited by the slum lords and industrialist. We were herded into the formally all-White inner-cities only to be fed upon by rats,...

Thomas Compares Affirmative Action To Slavery

Thomas Compares Affirmative Action To SlaveryThe sad truth is that the self-hate that grips Justice Clarance Thomas is not unique, you find it through the African Diaspora. It’s just that so few of you self-loathing Negros ever get into positions to carry out your Anti-African sentiments like Justice Thomas; but you all still attack our people in your own pathological ways whenever you can. I see so many of you Mini-Thomas’ all over...

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