Michael C. Ruppert has apparently committed suicide. I encourage everyone to both follow this story as it unfolds, and review his research and analysis. See: COLLAPSENET.(Source:

White People Need to STFU about Black-on-Black Violence.

Just had this White Patriot tell me some bullshit about Black on Black crime, I will not even repeat his bullshit, but I’ll share my response to him and for all the other White people who have anything to say about Black on Black crime…this might be good for some New Negros to read too: The majority of homicides committed against Whites are committed by Whites; and Whites have fought two world war against each other, finally, Whites...

Weaponize African Features & Culture.

Imma say dis one mo time: African hair texture, African features, and the wide range of African skin tones are not purely aesthetic, they historical, they are cultural, and they are POLITICAL! Since the first non-Africans sought to rob us of our land, resources, freedom, and identity they have relentlessly attacked the African form. There has not been one single African invader or enemy who didn’t seek to not only mock our form, but to...
I was in downtown Chicago this afternoon and I saw this Hipster White male wearing a tee-shirt that read; “Chiraq.” How is this cool? Now folks are capitalizing off of the slaughter of Black youth in impoverished areas of South Chicago, not to mention the fact that the US military is responsible for the death of over 1million Iraqi children and the deformities of millions more due to the use of Depleted uranium. I’m not...

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