The New Negro.

The New Negro. diallokenyatta: In one of his last public talks Dr. Khalid Muhammad spoke on the phenomenon of the “New Negro.” Dr. Khalid informed us that we were being blindsided by this New Negro who’s fulfilling the role of the Old House Slave, and the Old Uncle Tom. In the distant and recent past it was very… I have to keep explaining just what a New Negro is, at least 3 times a week.
knowledgeequalsblackpower: bookishboi: freshest-tittymilk: cultureunseen: Obama and _____Obama and Oprah WinfreyObama and Denzel WashingtonObama and Stevie WonderObama and Jackie ChanObama and Michael JordanObama and Patti LaBelleObama and Spike LeeObama and Beyonce/Jay ZObama and Alicia KeysObama and Al Sharpton The white house has never seen so many black people… except for when it was built....

Are you pro-Polygamy or pro-Monogamy?

It’s hard to discuss such issues in a Western Context because of the commercialization, and commodification of Sex, and the imposition of Romance and Romantic Love; but I’ll try. In an individualized and materialistic culture like the one that come out of Europe and colonized the world, Sex is as distorted as all other aspect of the culture, and as toxic and destructive.  The Western attitude towards sex, and how it applied to...

You thoughts on the Moors, the Moorish science temple, and their ideologies?

The Moors are yet another Cult founded by a Charismatic figure, or Cult of Personality who merged historical events, religious dogma, and group dynamics to form a new religion, “community,” or “nation."  If you take a look at the Black community since the end of the Reconstruction Era, you will find many such cults, and messianic figures emerged, some were transient, others have held on and morphed over the decades, like...

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