I’m well schooled in the teachings, methodology, and mission of Brother Neely Fuller.I don’t agree with him on his assertion that White Supremacist are the smartest people, hell, I don’t agree that they are even Supreme. What the hell is Supreme or Smart about destroying and contamination all of the world’s ecosystems, or perpetuating war across the globe, or even creating and stockpiling weapons that could kill all...
Thanks Stripper Whisperer. I guess I’m not as keen on interpreting, predicting, and understanding Strippers as you are. Another problem I have is that I don’t define people by their job titles. Having a prestigious job don’t make you a good person, just as having a demeaning job dosen’t make you less than human; so I think that Strippers have a wide array of views, education, understanding, and goals for their lives...
Mo'Nique: Lee Daniels Said I Was ''Blackballed'' After Oscar WinI read an interview a few years back were Mo'Nique stated that Lee Daniels told her that she would be hated by the Black community for accepting the role of the mother in Precious (film), she responded “let em hate me;” because she could care less about the opinion of the Black community and how she portrayed Black mothers on the big screen. Now we have her complaining...
If you met the love of your live, and he/she was infinitely wealthy, he/she moved you into the most beautiful home ever constructed, furnished it and stocked it with all the things you loved, and they told you they would support every interest and goal you have in life, but there was one issue: This love of your life held their enemies, and those who crossed him in the subbasement of your magnificent home. He hired goons to rape, torture, and...
Black people have been respecting and accommodating Alien Religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) since the West first invaded the shores of Africa, for thousands of years. We respected them and allow them to set up shop in our lands, our communities, and our hearts and minds from day one; even as they desecrated our African Gods, Rituals, and Spiritual Systems. We’ve gained no level of power or respect in Islam, Christianity, or...
There have been more than two World Wars. World War One was not the first World War either. I would have to say that the Age of Exploration was the setting of the first true World War, when Europe attacked, invaded, colonized, and plundered the so-called New World. So, World War Two was actually World War Three, World War Four was the Decolonization Wars and the Cold War were the White nuclear powered nations fought their Proxy wars in...
I have to remind these Black Puritans, New Negros, and Hypocritical Black Moralist, and even some of my Pan-African Brothers and Sisters of a few things…. 1. There is no Hierarchy between Slaves, Colonized, or Oppressed people. We are all interchangeable to those who hold us in bondage and dominate us. Your individual progress or rise within the Systems and Institutions of the Oppressor is not evidence of a reduction in Oppression or...
Whenever you wanna get down on the Black community for being Unconscious or ignorant; I’d advise you to find an average White American to talk to about any historical or current issues of importance. I swear; Whites are the most indoctrinated, misinformed, propagandized, and delusional demographic in this nation. I’m not talking about the poor Whites like those Appalacian Whites, I’m talking about the affluent Whites, the...